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The Secrets to Raising a Smarter Child
- By Inderbir Sandhu, Ph.D


~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~

" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "

Volume #6   Issue #7

ISSN: 0219-7642    Nov 25, 2007

Andrew Loh, Publisher

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I came across an online video titled "My Girl" (it is a Thai Ads with English subtitle). It is a very touching video. Would you still love your child no matter what happen? I hope and believe your answer is a resounding YES! Take care.

Thought for today:
"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today! " - Stacie Tauscher

Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
andrew @


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Teaching Your Child to Love to Read
By Lily Morgan

Raising a child who loves books can be easy, if you have a plan. However, you must keep in mind that no matter how well you prepare to foster a love of books, other influences may keep her from being a reader. All you can do as a parent is provide the encouragement, but the rest is up to your child.

Throw Book Parties For Kids
By Gail Leino

Book parties are really a new and an innovative idea to bring people closer to the books so that they can read and share their thoughts and views. Book parties can be organized by universities, colleges, schools, bookstores, as well by parents at home. The habit of reading is really wonderful and it opens up the doors of intelligence in a child's world.


Q1: In our public school gifted children are not given therapy for things like handwriting difficulties or sensory integration issues unless they get to a point where they are failing. My son, who started reading without being taught at age 2 1/2 and was reading beyond a third grade level by kindergarten and doing addition and subtraction with some multiplication too. Because he wouldn't or couldn't color in the lines or draw very well (due to visual motor integration problems and hypotonia) the Kindergarten teacher recommended that he go to a transitional first grade (a year in between kindergarten and first grade) to give him an extra year to develop fine motor skills with no accommodations for giftedness...What is an appropriate education for a twice exceptional child like mine? Is it appropriate for gifted kids to be held back for physical difficulties without being given any kind of help for those issues and also no accommodation for the giftedness?

A: This is indeed so unfortunate for a child with so much to learn and offer. These are kids who are intellectually gifted; at the same time have special needs such as ADHD, learning disabilities, Asperger Syndrome, etc. These children have a hard time in the education system due to the fact that their giftedness can actually mask their special needs and more focus is given to their weaknesses/disabilities rather than their abilities. This is also because their learning difficulties hide their giftedness. Unfortunately, it does not come as a surprise when they are frequently labeled as being lazy, unmotivated, and difficult. In fact, most teachers do not even realize that a child can be both gifted and learning disabled.....Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Education for a Twice Exceptional (Gifted + Learning Disabled) Child here.


Reading and Writing in Kindergarten: A Practical Guide

This practical guide to teaching literacy in kindergarten is based on the premise that "students can manage higher and more specific goals that those of the traditional kindergarten program". A spirit of play is essential for kindergartners and this program combines that philosophy with the nitty-gritty of successful instruction. Shared, guided and independent reading, integrated with interactive, shared and independent writing provide a playful and confidence building curriculum. This book is designed to be a practical guide that will help a new or experienced teacher set up a comprehensive program in a kindergarten or a primary school classroom. A wonderful book that it is, this guide is a highly recommended reference point for everyone including parents.


The Reading Zone: How to Help Kids Become Skilled, Passionate, Habitual, Critical Readers

Nancie Atwell calls her new book The Reading Zone a manifesto: that free choice of books and time to read should be a child's right from kindergarten to high school. She uses her more than 20 years of successful teaching to support her claim that the only delivery system for reading comprehension is reading. Those who want practical advice on acquiring, displaying, and maintaining classroom libraries as well as ways to meet the needs of all readers, including those with learning disabilities and techniques to assess that don't include busywork etc, will find it in The Reading Zone. But make no mistake: this book is passionate, compelling, beautifully written and lean at 140 pages.



The Perils of Parenting
American Thinker Nov 18, 2007

Have you ever been a witness to the following scenario? You are walking along a supermarket aisle and come across a mother trying to reason with her spoiled child. You have to ask yourself what kind of parent would allow such a behavior? Are they incapable of seeing the harm they are doing to themselves and the child, or are they so weak that they would rather give in to the child's antics than be faced with the duty to administer appropriate discipline.

Try to Prevent Girl from Banging Her Head
Marilyn Heines, AZ Star Nov 18, 2007

Why would a child bang her head and hurt herself when she is angry at someone else or mad at the world? Part of this is developmental. This kind of head banging is a sort of tantrum in which the child cannot tolerate the feelings of frustrations and the needs to do something that trumps those feelings.

5 Ways to Teach Our Kids
Star Gazette Nov 20, 2007

As a parent, you are your child's first teacher. Every moment that we spend with our children is an opportunity to experience what experts call a "teachable moment". It makes sense; collective moments will ultimately add up and help to prepare children for school. It is also an issue that is top of mind on the nation's psyche, for good and obvious reasons.

What is the Best Way to Discipline Children?
Telegraph Oct 25, 2007

Keeping children healthy and safe is a primary concern for parents and guardians, and finding a reliable source of information can be very difficult. Parents want their children to be safe, yet they don't always know how to begin protecting and preparing them.

Experts Offer Toy-Buying Safety Tips
Consumer Affairs Nov 21, 2007

With so much scrutiny on toy industry, some consumer advocates say toys may actually be safer this holiday season than they have been for years, but they are still warning that there are almost certainly dangerous toys on store shelves.

Why music Education?
Bonanza Nov 23, 2007

Studies show that benefits of students being involved music include: higher test scores less use of substances, ability to work as a part of a team and better memory and better skills. Learning music is also known to enhance general IQ and intellect to perform well both in the school and society.


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