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The Secrets to Raising a Smarter Child
- By Inderbir Sandhu, Ph.D


~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~

" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "

Volume #9   Issue #3

ISSN: 0219-7642    Aug 8, 2010

Andrew Loh, Publisher

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Read an interesting interview with Professor Allan Snyder on "Every chump can be a champ". Professor Allan Snyder says if his son had a strings of As, he thinks his son was probably not going to do anything exceptional, because "a lot of getting A-plus grades is forcing yourself to learn what other people want you to learn and doing as other people want you to", he would be thrilled if his son showed an aptitude for flipping burgers at McDonald's instead...;-)

He points out that many of the world's great scientists were at best average students, for example, Albert Einstein. And the characteristic of many great leader and champions are the one who has the courage to break rules. They have "the courage to experiment with the rules and invent new ways of doing things". He continued to say he values most a person "who shows us how to look at the world differently, especially when the process smashes out mindsets and dissolves our preconceptions." His idea is sure to set you thinking ..... Have a good day.

Thought for today:
"I couldn't rely on textbook approaches, so I was forced to invent my own ways of doing things." - Professor Allan Snyder

Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine


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Developing Child Independence Thinking Skills
Going all the way to help may actually hinder your children's ability to develop independence thinking skills. Read more here!

Teaching Your Children Independence Thinking Skills - How Parents can be Proactive in Training their children
Personal and professional success of your children depend how well they think on their own and in what manner they derive solutions from their independent thinking.


Q1: My 29 month old son has always surprised us, by being overly developed for his age. It started with how active he was in the womb. My husband would simply put his mouth to my stomach, and tell him to stop hurting mommy, and he would relax instantly. When he was born, he was literally 3 minutes old, and he knew who was mom and who was dad, he instantly smiled at his dad, and took hold of his hand.

He was a big baby, always at the high ninety percentile with growth, and he was far more developed when it came to his appetite. He is not even three and he is pushing four feet. He has a vocabulary of single words over 275, which includes all of his body parts, names of family members and friends, animals, colors, numbers, shapes, movies and their characters...

A: Your son does appear to display some distinct characteristics of gifted children and you would be the best person to determine this. I do not encourage testing for very young children unless it is a learning problem or a disability, for which diagnosis allows for early intervention. You may want to wait until he is in preschool. What you can do is to guide his learning. Expose him to a variety of learning materials; different ones at each time. When you see him interested in anyone, go a step further – either increase the level of difficulty or use a different material of the same sort. E.g., puzzles or blocks. If he enjoys insects, take him out in the open and introduce him to other insects... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Nurturing an Advanced Toddler here.

Q2: I have a 4 year old son. He just turned four - 2 weeks ago. At his four year doctor visit, the doctor seemed amazed and amused by my son. He has been his doctor since birth, so I figured it was because he was excited to see my son doing so well. Before the appointment was over, the doctor said that I shouldn't be surprised if they want to test my son to see if he is gifted. I have always felt that my son is special. But I'm his mom, I'm sure that's normal and common. But here is why I've suspected for a long time that he is special...and some of the reasons I figured I was wrong...

A: From your description, you son does appear to be above average in terms of his developmental milestones but it is hard to say if he is gifted for now. There are some common characteristics that indicate giftedness but some others are age appropriate. But, it really should not matter if he is gifted or not - you certainly have a very special child and your doctor think so as well. At this stage, the best that you can do would apply to all children regardless of ability.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Gifted or Not? here.


Raising a Thinking Child: Help Your Young Child to Resolve Everyday Conflicts and Get Along with Others
By Myrna Shure, Ph.D and Theresa Foy DiGeronimo

This book provides a step-by-step format parents can follow in teaching young children to solve problems and resolve daily conflicts. Shure's no-nonsense, sincere approach to the narration resembles a seminar given by a highly competent and well-educated speaker.

The lessons are uniquely taught by way of imaginative dialogues between Theresa Foy DiGeronimo and various children. Solutions are reinforced through game-playing activities and communication techniques. The well-presented, yet tedious, demonstrations cleverly assist the authors in driving home their methods. Stressing the importance of developing thinking skills in growing children, a parent's guide introduces the I Can Problem Solve program.


Little Owl's Book of Thinking (Independent Thinking Series)
By Ian Gilbert

This brilliant little book is full of word play and continues in entertaining style. Designed to make you laugh and make you think, this delightful story is an excellent introduction to the concept of thinking skills and why they are so important. Ideal for teachers, parents, and older children, this book is an excellent way to introduce the concept of thinking skills. Grades 5–12.





10 Tips to Develop a Child's Brain
Health Tipz July 26, 2010

How to develop a child's brain?. There are two basic components in the brain development of children, which is environmentally safe and positive experience. When a baby is feeling depressed, the brain will respond by producing cortisol substances. High cortisol levels will slow brain development.

Brain & Eye Development
Smart Mums July 24, 2010

Just think - even while you are reading this page, your child's brain is growing and developing. In fact, it will triple in size by age 2. Here is what's going on up there.

Nutrition for the Brain Intelligence
Medi Enroll July 15, 2010

The brain is central to the development of child growth and development. Child's intellectual development relies heavily on the quality of brain function. For substances that nutrition has an important role to optimize the child's brain development.

How ‘smart play' activates the brain
MG Aug 02, 2010

I am often asked the question, "Why are South African children scared of science?" There are many answers to this question, but I would like to focus on four issues gleaned from a lifetime of involvement in non-formal science education, all interrelated: early brain development, the process of learning, the importance of play and "digital diarrhea".

8 brain boosters
Asia One July 31, 2010

You might think that labeling some of the things you eat as 'brain food' might be stretching it a bit. However, many scientists and nutritionists believe that foods you eat can directly affect the way your brain performs, that you can boost your intelligence quotient (IQ), focus your concentration, sharpen your memory and keep your mind young.

Computer screens bad for kids' brains
Hindustan Times Aug 02, 2010

A psychologist has warned that computer screens are bad for the brains of young children. Dr Aric Sigman, an American-born British psychologist warns against computer usage, especially by any children under 9.

Raising Readers Writers and Spellers Expert Guide to Parents
Psychology Today July 29, 2010

Want to know how to teach reading to your baby or toddler? The secret is revealed in the acronym READ-Repetition-Enthusiasm-Attention-Drawing. It works for any parent, grandparent, or preschool caregiver. And it's supported by history, science, and literature.


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