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The Secrets to Raising a Smarter Child
- By Inderbir Sandhu, Ph.D


~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~

" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "

Volume #4   Issue #15

ISSN: 0219-7642    Apr 16, 2006

Andrew Loh, Publisher

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First of all, I hope you had a great Easter holiday with your friends and family. You're probably sitting in front of your computer right now wondering when the next issue of BrainyZine is going to pop into your inbox. Well, here it is! I'm sorry that this issue of BrainyZine is late for few days. It rarely happens but I had problem uploading the web pages to the web server after my web hosting provider migrated to a new data center.

Anyway, I want to share with you a subject that came to me in a light-bulb moment (after I watched the Apprentice and saw the wealth of Donald Trump) and the subject may be of interest to you ...."How to have enough money to last the rest of your life?"....;-). If you want to know this 'simple' answer, take a look at this drawing. I hope you like it! Enjoy.

Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
andrew @


Please visit our sponsor ad web site below. Thanks to our sponsor for keeping this a free newsletter.

Children's Book-of-the-Month 6 for $2 + gift


Helping Children Succeed in School: Top Ten Mistakes Parents Make
By Dr. Karin Suesser

Helping children be successful in school and enjoy life-long learning can be a difficult task for parents. Often, with the best of intentions, parents end up making these common mistakes. Learn how to avoid those mistakes and bring the love of learning back into your child's life.

Kids' Math Help: The Story of Mathino
By Marsh Kaminsky

A fun and innovative way to help your kid to learn mathematics. Find out here!


Q1: How can one develop the left brain? Can it be done for adults too?

A: The human brain (hemispheres) has two very different ways of thinking. The right brain is visual and processes information in an intuitive and simultaneous way, looking first at the whole picture then the details. Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Left Brain and Right Brain here.

Q2: I have three children, identical twins 22, and one 16 all boys. They were all diagnosed in school with learning disabilities. The twins verbal IQ's were both 128 but performance IQ was 95. Their disability was in auditory. My youngest verbal IQ is 133 and performance IQ was 91. And he has disability in visual. What is the true IQ? Is it the higher number or somewhere in between?....

A: Read Dr. Sandhu's answer on True IQ

Q3: Is there anywhere on the results of the Terra Nova tests whereby I can see what my child's IQ is? Our son has been tested in the past and has an IQ on previous tests of 147. He is in gifted programs etc. When I asked for the IQ on the Terra Nova, I was called and told a number which is not near where he was previously, yet his test results show high levels into the 90 on Terra Nova test. Please advice.

A: To be placed in the gifted program, a child would, on the average, have a composite score of at least 96th percentile on a standardized achievement test, which is usually the Terra Nova that is widely used. See Dr. Sandhu's complete answer on IQ and Standardized Tests

Q4: My son, who is 8, was just diagnosed with having Aspergers syndrome. He was originally diagnosed with ADHD, but he has always been a very smart boy. He is very interested in astronomy, and science. Is there anyway to test an IQ without taking a written test?....

A: See Dr. Sandhu's answer on Intelligence Testing for children with Asperger's Syndrome



Make Your Kids Smarter 50 Top Teacher Tips for Grades K to 8
By Erika V. Shearin Karres, Ed.D

Make Your Kids Smarter is chock-full of drills, tips, and exercises to enhance children's learning. The skill builders encompass areas ranging from general school smarts to library use, computer literacy to study skills, writing and verbal skills to strategic thinking. Devoted parents will use this book to give their kids the advantage that will make all the difference.





Your Baby Can Read, Set 1
* Studio: Infant Learning Co.
* Starring: Dr. Robert Titzer
* Review: 5 Stars

Young toddler was able to read after using Titzer's reading system. She was featured in MSN Video and you can watch the ' Reading Toddler' video here.







Food for Thought
The Daily Record Apr 4, 2006

Optimum Nutrition For Your Child's Mind is a new book explaining the effect a child's diet has on their brain. It explains step-by-step how making the right changes to what your child eats can have a huge effect on their mental development. Here's a look at some ways in which eating the right things can improve your child's mental development.

Tapes Help Some Babies Learn To Read Early Apr 11, 2006

Bella Knowles and her twin sister Aurora are having fun learning to read. These girls are reading words that most children can't recognize until they are at least 5 years old. Their mother, Miki, credits a series of " Your Baby Can Read" tapes that she has been playing for her girls since they were four months old.

Is TV good for your baby? Apr 11, 2006

In 1999 the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a stern dictum that young children should be limited to less than two hours per day of screen time, including television, movies, videos and computer games. The AAP said children under age 2 should not be allowed any screen time.

Day care bad for the brain? Apr 10, 2006

Raising Babies -- Should Under 3s Go to Nursery? is the latest offering from Australian psychologist Steve Biddulph. He argues that day care is damaging to babies' brain chemistry. Neurobiological research indicates that brain development in children under the age of two is best served with one-on-one care, claims Biddulph.

Too Much, Too Soon
The Columbus Dispatch Apr 10, 2006

Educational software for infants, toddlers may do more harm than good, experts say. If you're looking for ways to increase your infant or toddler's intellect and capacity for learning, perhaps you should forgo the software and other computer tools aimed at that age group.

Brain development key to IQ Apr 3, 2006

Youth with superior IQ are distinguished by how fast the thinking part of their brains thickens and thins as they grow up, researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) have discovered.


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