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The Secrets to Raising a Smarter Child
- By Inderbir Sandhu, Ph.D


~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~

" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "

Volume #6   Issue #6

ISSN: 0219-7642    Nov 11, 2007

Andrew Loh, Publisher

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Do you want to help your child develop self-esteem? The development of positive self-image and self-esteem are also extremely critical to ensure happiness and personal success of your children. Self-esteem is all about how your child believes in herself, and her behavior will clearly reflect those feelings.

You can help your children develop positive self-esteem. Your kind words and actions can have a great impact on the behavior and discipline of children. Children with a good measure of self-esteem are known to achieve professional and personal success. In this direction, I hope this issue offers some great tips to help your kids develop better qualities of self image as well as self-esteem. Take care and have a great week ahead!

Thought for today:
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it. " - Chinese Proverb

Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
andrew @


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Building Healthy Self-Esteem in Our Children
By Chritine Carter

We hear from all the professionals, how imperative a strong self esteem in childhood really is, and there are undoubtedly a lot of opinions about how best to achieve it. It is a significant part of being a parent, and parents play an absolutely essential role in helping to promote a positive self-esteem in kids.

10 Keys to Children's High Self-esteem
By Michael Grose

Parents and teachers need a range of skills and strategies to help children develop a healthy self-esteem and maintain it even when events conspire to really challenge them. Find out what are the 10 keys that children with healthy self-esteem do here!

Building Your Child's Self-Esteem
By Douglas Cowan Psy.D

According to researchers, most children enter school with a good sense of self-esteem, yet leave high school with a poor sense of self-esteem. What happens in those years between starting school and finishing school? It is estimated that 25-35% of children have learning disabilities.


Q1: My 6 yr daughter just received the following scores on the WISC-IV test: VCI: 124, PRI: 129, WMI: 110, PSI: 88, FSIQ: 120.

I have been doing some research and apparently the VCI & PRI are much more indicative of giftedness. Is this true? If so, is her IQ likely closer to 130 than 120? The psychologist who tested her said she was 100% accurate but worked slowly on the coding & symbol search subtests. My daughter is a perfectionist so this does not surprise me. She has many gifted qualities. She also took the Woodcock-Johnson III achievement test; her Academic Knowledge score was 133, placing her in the 99 percentile. Is she bright or gifted? Would it serve any purpose to retest her in a few years?

A: These terms have long been debated and sometimes used interchangeably. To determine the differences between bright and gifted, the table in BowNET website can be particularly helpful. Approximately 68 percent of the population would score in the average range of the scores on the WISC (85-115). Above that range, individuals may be considered above average....Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Bright or Gifted here.

Q2: I have a 10 year old child. When she was in 3rd grade, her teacher felt she should be promoted to 6th grade. This teacher wrote a personal comment on her report card that my daughter was a "gifted writer". Since they no longer promote out of the age group in NYC, she went to 4th grade and had a very difficult year...I don't even know how or where to get her tested to see if she is in fact gifted and to what extent. Can you offer me any advice or guidance? I would appreciate any help you can give me in trying to guide and educate a very special little girl.

A: Read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Resources for Parenting a Gifted Child here.

Q3: I have a 4yrs old son. I think he may be gifted (he is exceptionally bright for sure). He matches most of the characteristics of giftedness. For example: he was running by 9months, he started reading before 2yrs of age ...I am very concerned and feel he is 'regressing' as he has learnt to hide his abilities so as to 'fit in'. I have tried several times to speak to his class teacher and other members of staff for 'accelerated learning' to no avail.

A: If your son is indeed hiding his abilities to fit in, this is surely a shame as from your description, he does appear to have advanced skills, especially in reading which is in fact one of the main indicators for giftedness. As Dr Silverman mentioned "They fit in by pretending to be less capable than they really are, disappearing into the crowd.". Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Gifted Child hiding Abilities to "Fit In" here.

Q4: I recently had my 7 year old child tested for IQ as well as some other tests. He scored in the low average range (84). I am convinced that he is scoring poorly because of immaturity rather than actual intelligence issues ...My questions are: How much does development factor in to scoring these exams? Would a less developmentally mature kid score lower than a mature kid? Can these scores improve over time as the child grows? How accurate are the tests at this age?

A: Read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Developmental Maturity as an Influencing Factor on IQ Scores here.


Parent Talk: How to Talk to Your Children in Language That Builds Self-Esteem and Encourages Responsibility
By Chick Moorman

Language acquisition isn't just a toddler's job. Moorman takes parenting common sense-the notion that affirming, loving speech is crucial to a child's growth and self-esteem to the level of a "skills-based program" of parenting language in this earnest volume. It adds a great dimension to the language of parenting, especially for those parents who want to build self esteem. Moorman infuses the endeavor with humor, heart and thoughtfulness.




Raising Self-Reliant Children in a Self-Indulgent World: Seven Building Blocks for Developing Capable Young People
By H. Stephen Glen, Ph.D and Jane Nelson, Ed.D.

No parent can afford to ignore this groundbreaking work. Researchers all over the world agree that helping children to be self-reliant in their early life, so that they can face any type of adverse situation. Self-esteem and self-image can play an important role in molding young children. This excellent book will help educators, parents and teachers to help children cope with the intensive pressure exerted by different growing and environmental conditions.

This critical and important book travels beyond important issues of strictness and discipline to demonstrate parents and teachers, how to develop their children's values of responsibility to responsible and established standards of behavior.


Brainy Babies
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science Oct 23, 2007

Every mother's dream is to give birth to a healthy baby...who just so happens to off-the-charts intelligent. Studies show that there are actually things you can do while pregnant that will boost your baby's brain activity before birth.

IQ's Rise, but are children really Smarter?
LA Times, Oct 27, 2007

James R.Flynn a Professor of Political Science at the University of Otaga in New Zealand, discovered two decades ago, that IQ test scores were steadily rising in the developed world, despite failing schools and stagnant standardized test scores.

Autumn Leaf-Pile Jumping Makes Kids Smarter
New West, Oct 21, 2007

According to the research done by Children and Nature Network and dozens of other organizations- "Children are smarter, cooperative, happier and healthier when they have frequent and varied opportunities for free and unstructured play in the out-of-doors"

The Popularity Game: Teaching Kids How to Cope
Health News Digest, Oct 3, 2007

As a parent, watching kids go through some situations is very difficult, sad and anger provoking. Kids will come to me in counseling and tell that they sit all day in fear of a girl dicing them, embarrassing them or rolling their eyes at another girl about them.

Dr. Dobson: Quarreling kids want attention.
Northwest Herald, Oct 22, 2007

Sibling rivalry often represents a form of manipulation of parents. Quarreling and fighting provide an opportunity for both children to "capture" adult attention. It has been written: "Some children would rather be wanted for murder than not wanted at all". Towards the end, a pair of obnoxious kids can tacitly agree to bug their parents until they get a response-even if it is an angry reaction.

Rush, Little Baby
Boston Globe Oct 28, 2007

The house, perched in a nice new development in an Interstate 495 belt town looks like the home of any family of means with a little girl approaching age 3. The den is dominated by by a giant, brightly colored sliding structure, the living room art consists of framed photographs of said little girl striking various poses.


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