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- By Inderbir Sandhu, Ph.D


4 New Motivational Ideas to Help You Motivate Your Children

By Jason Gracia

Motivation is not only important for adults, but also for children. What they learn as children will have an enormous impact on the rest of their lives.

To teach them about motivation and goals at an early age will give them the necessary tools for a happy and prosperous future.

1. Talk with them

Notice the title is not Talk 'To' Them. When dealing with this subject, let them do some of the talking. They may surprise you as they try to come up with concepts and ideas all on their own.

Many children do not understand the importance of goal setting and having a positive attitude. Simply sitting down with your children and talking with them about this subject will help them to understand why they need motivation and goals in their lives.

When speaking with your kids, remember they are only kids. The ideas you use must be a little less complex and a little more fun than usual. The next tip will help you to make goals more fun for you and your children.

2. Make it a game

The great thing about goals is that they are a game. People, especially children, love to play games. When you find out what you want, try to make a game out of it.

For example, if you want your children to excel in school, you could set up a chart on the fridge. Begin by having your child set goals for the upcoming report card. You may have to help them at this stage. You can make sure that their goals are attainable and challenging.

Each time they bring home their grades, you could chart their progress on the fridge. Because their grade goals are on the chart, they will be able to see how they are doing compared to their stated goals. If they are below their goal, it will help to motivate them to work a little harder. If they meet or exceed their goal, they will be excited and happy about their accomplishments.

Some parents believe giving money for grades is a good system. I think this system may be a little more useful for both you and your children.

3. Lead by example

Your kids learn the most from you. If you would like to see certain traits in your children, then lead by example. If you would like them to be motivated and excited about things, do the same. If you would like your children to use goals, you too should use goals in your daily life.

When they see you doing what you are teaching, your lessons will sink in. If you say one thing and do another, your children will have a very hard time believing in the importance of what you teach.

4. Give them feedback

When you have a goal or deadline at work, and you reach it, you would like feedback from the top, right? Your children are no different. For example, if you set goals with them about keeping their rooms clean and then never tell them how they are doing, the desired outcome won't last for very long.

When they do a good job, make sure you tell them that you noticed and that you are very proud of their accomplishment. It will not only make them feel important and successful, it will also engrain the lessons which you are trying to teach. If they need to try harder, praise them for their work but let them know that you expect more of them.

Motivation and goals are just as important for your children as they are for you. With a few simple tools you can help to raise your children with a strong foundation in goal setting and hard work.


Copyright © 2001 Jason Gracia, Motivation123. Visit Jason's Motivation123 Web site to receive a free Motivation Idea-Kit, free motivation newsletter, plus hundreds of articles, tips and ideas to help you live a happier life today. Reprinted with permission.

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