~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~
" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "
Volume #11 Issue #8
ISSN: 0219-7642 Sep 16, 2012
Andrew Loh, Publisher
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What do your children read? Do your children read regularly? Have they adapted reading as a wonderful hobby? There are several reasons why your children should develop reading as a regular hobby. The universal belief is that those children who read can boost imagination and visualization. The ability to imagine and visualize is the most important skill that children should develop when they are in the age bracket of three and seven.
Colorful and picture books are excellent tools to provide stimuli through multiple sensory and perceptive modes. Reading such books, when your children are young, would catalyze or trigger learning in three modes - visual, auditory and tactile. This is the topic that is discussed in this issue. Enjoy reading!
Thought for today:
"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." - E. James Rohn
Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
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Perceptual thinking - How Children Learn in An Optimal Manner by Using this Principle
Perceptual thinking is unique to children. It is different and special to different children. Academic experts believe that external stimuli play an important role in learning. Click to learn more.
Using Perceptual Thinking to Help Children and Learn in an Optimal Manner
Children learn in three important modes. Parents may deploy these three learning modes in different combinations to foster better learning in their children. Read the article to learn more.
Q1: My son Wesley will be 2 years old on the 27th of August, and at this time, he has learned to recognize all letters, some punctuation (question mark and exclamation mark), numbers up to 100 (I imagine he could count that high but often gets bored after 32 or so), colors, and every shape I've been able to think of. He identifies letters by name, and can repeat the accompanying sounds that letter makes (upper and lower case)...
A: While I would not like to label such a young child, I do believe that your son is gifted. Gifted toddlers exhibit a wide array of distinct behaviours that makes them different from their non-gifted counterparts. Your son shows some of these distinct behaviours and I am sure there are many more which is not listed here..... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Nurturing a Gifted Toddler here.
Q2: I just received my son's Psychological Evaluation from his school and need some assistance in interpreting the data. He scored as follows on the
VCI = 104
Similarities = 10
Vocabulary = 10
Comprehension = 13...
A: As you have indicated, the scores are below average. Low scores in each of the subset indicate a weakness in different areas and I am not able to place him in any group. I believe he has multiple learning disorder.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Interpreting the WISC-IV Scores here.
Q3: My son just turned 10 mid-July and has for the past 18 months become difficult in getting him motivated to help with household chores. He becomes angry and at times will fall so far out of control he begins crying, screaming and slamming things. I see him as selfish and out of control. Am I misjudging him?....
A: Being 10 can be quite hard for a child as it stands on the cusp of adolescence, and are in many ways looking and behaving like the teens they are turning into. In your case this started 18 months ago when he was 8 plus and I believe it could have got worse as for some kids, puberty is experienced and changes in the body and feeling may not be as acceptable as with other individuals.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Motivation and Laziness Concerns for a 10 year old here.
The Missing Alphabet: A Parents' Guide to Developing Creative Thinking in Kids
By Susan Marcus, Susie Monday and Cynthia Herbert
The future will belong to children with innovative minds. Which is why this team of education experts have drawn on their decades of applied research in creativity, individuality, play, and media to craft an engaging guide for parents who understand that creative thinking skills are no longer a luxury, but a necessity for success in the new, grown-up world of work.
The book introduces the Sensory Alphabet, basic building blocks that are as powerful for building twenty-first-century literacies as the ABCs are for reading--and that are lacking in schools today. The Missing Alphabet also offers foundational knowledge, current research and a pragmatic path for parents to understand the individual strengths and creative potential that will help their own children learn productively in the future.
Teaching for the Two-Sided Mind
By Linda Williams
Recent research on the brain has revolutionized our concept of how we think. The two sides of the brain serve radically different functions. The left hemisphere is associated with linear, analytic thought; the right hemisphere governs spatial, integrative thought. In Teaching for the Two-Sided Mind Linda VerLee Williams explores the application of this important research to the classroom, summarizing current knowledge, discussing its implications, and providing practical teaching techniques that draw upon the right side of the brain.
Students need right-brain strength to achieve balanced thinking skills and to activate a full range of cognitive and creative abilities. Right-brain techniques are remarkably effective in teaching children with learning disabilities and provide a valuable boost to gifted and average students.
Influence a baby's brain development
The Spectrum Aug 31, 2012
Years ago, if a baby was born with a cleft palate or disfiguring birth mark, prevailing opinion agreed he'd been “marked” by something his mother had done. Today, scientists know that some old wives' tales may not be so far fetched. 
Vitamin D linked to brain development
Time of India Aug 28, 2012
Most of us are aware of the benefits of vitamin D, calcium absorption being the most crucial and the resultant bone development. But over the last 10 years, vitamin D has now been associated with a slew of other important health functions, with one of the most important being brain development.

Omega-3 may help struggling children to read, says study
The Guardian Sep 06, 2012
Children with the worst reading skills could improve their literacy with daily supplements of fatty acids found in fish, seafood and some algae, researchers claim 
Diet for Healthy Brain Function in Children
Medical Daily Sep 07, 2012
Good nutrition is important for all aspects of our health, especially for children, who are still developing. Our body uses the nutrients in food to fuel all our functions and to keep everything running as it should. Lack of proper nutrition can affect us on all levels, including healthy brain function. 
Play time vital for children
SMH Sep 03, 2012
There are different opinions among teachers about the purpose of recess and lunch time at schools. Some say that it is solely time to eat and just let off steam. Others regard it as valuable time where children can engage in much-needed child-directed free play, learn to socialize and expand their learning outside of the classroom.
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