~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~
" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "
Volume #9 Issue #17
ISSN: 0219-7642 Mar 6, 2011
Andrew Loh, Publisher
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More and more educators and parents are realizing that playground time is extremely critical for children's overall development. As a result, teachers and administrators of different schools are loosening up their classroom schedule. Quality playtime and rejuvenating exercises are very important for children's' body and brain health. A conventional school with a traditional-minded teacher may undergo an intense pressure to attune the children to the age-old practice of studying hard for grades and marks. However, times are changing now and schools are providing additional playtime to their children.
What can parents do to provide a healthy dose of playtime to their children? Playtime is a vital aspect of life. Playtime comes naturally to young children. In fact, they come to this world with an intention to play with their hearts' content! Just watch a small baby, how it kicks its legs or plays with those tiny little fingers! It is all natural. Playtime will help children in developing their young brains into something that leads to the achievement of excellence in many areas of life.
Parents could also introduce playtime as a standard time-out to help children to feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Optimal playtime will act as the best supplement to elevate classroom performance. Allowing your children to have ample playtime could be a surefire way to develop a pleasing and dynamic personality. Have a great day.
Thought for today:
"A child reminds us that playtime is an essential part of our daily routine." - Anonymous
Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
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Optimal IQ Development in Children - Learning the Basics
IQ is an important part of life. A solid IQ can help your children achieve excellence in personal and professional life. It is possible to enhance IQ in children by learning and understanding the basics of IQ development.
Optimal IQ Development in Children - Practical Techniques and Methods
Optimizing IQ in children is an extended task. Parents may need to use a combination of several techniques and methods to brain-train their children. Here are some of the productive methods and techniques that can enhance brain power in children.
Q1: How gifted is my daughter? Gifted? Highly Gifted or Profoundly Gifted? Also, does IVF play a role in giftedness? My daughter was conceived through implanting a seven year old frozen embryo. (have twin boys 10 from initial use of embryos - 1 son is gifted) Upon her first visit to her pediatrician her doctor joked is she seven or zero:) I have to laugh as she is about to turn three this January and seems very smart....
A: At three, it is best not to label categories for giftedness although your daughter does appear to be in the higher range with the short description of her abilities. As for the IVF role, according to a new study by the University of Iowa (2010), children conceived by in vitro fertilization (IVF) score at least as well as non-IVF peers on academic tests in grades 3 through 12.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Gifted, Highly Gifted or Profoundly Gifted here.
Q2: Are the terms creative child and gifted child the same? How to improve or what are the necessary things to be considered in class room to enhance creativity in children?
A: Not really. They are two different terms but there is a relationship. But it is a fact that to be creative, a minimum level of higher intelligence is required. Intelligence is a part of giftedness. A gifted child can be creative and a creative child can be gifted. Different tests are used for giftedness (namely intelligence tests) and for creativity; there are specific tests as well.
A little more into creativity and intelligence. As Sternberg (2001) had put in his work, intelligence is necessary for creativity because ...Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Giftedness and Creativity here.
Q3: My son who turned 7 (5 days before he took the WISC-IV test) had the below results come back. Our district and the state of Ohio say that a score of 127 and above is considered gifted determined that he isn't gifted. His score was a 126. Because of this I have requested the overview and this is what he received.....Sum of Scaled scores:
Verbal Comprehension sum of scaled = 31 VCI 100 percentile rank of 50
Perceptual reasoning sum of scaled = 43 PRI 127 and percentile 96
Working Memory sum of scaled = 29 WMI 126 and percentile 96
Possessing Speed sum of scaled = 32 PSI - 133 and percentile 99
Full scale sum of scaled = 135 FSIQ = 126
Can the FSIQ be used as a good indicator even though the Verbal is 26 pts - 33 pts lower then the other three (Perceptual, Working Memory, and Processing speed) It seems like this may be saying something. Is it saying he doesn't do well at verbal versus visual? Should the test be looked at differently because of this....
A: It appears that some WISC subtests are good measures of general intelligence; others are poor measures of general intelligence. WISC full scale IQ is not necessarily a more valid measure of intelligence, especially the kind of intelligence that is required to succeed in school. So at FSIQ 126, he should be in the above average category and I believe deserves differentiated curriculum. However, different schools have different policies with regards to this. The cut-off can be between 123-130 .... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Confusion over WISC-IV scores here.
Raise a Smarter Child by Kindergarten: Raise IQ by up to 30 points and turn on your child's smart genes
By David Perlmutter and Carol Colman
Between birth and age five, your child has up to thirty IQ points at stake. Scientists now know that the human brain is undergoing a constant and dramatic transformation in the first years of life. During this peak time of development, every activity and experience leaves an indelible mark on your baby's brain, for better or worse. The right kind of stimulation and nutrition will create connections in the brain that promote intelligence and raise IQ.
The good news is that raising a smarter child is easier than you think. It doesn't require making an investment in expensive equipment or high priced tutors. It's as simple as playing the right games, serving the right foods, and maintaining a brain-enhancing environment in your home by eliminating common household toxins.
The IQ Answer: Maximizing Your Child's Potential
By Frank Lawlis
The IQ Answer is a fascinating and user-friendly guide to fulfilling one's potential. With millions of new cases of ADD and other learning disabilities diagnosed every year, parents are searching for solutions to help them break through their children's performance plateaus. The IQ Answer is a fascinating and user-friendly guide to fulfilling one's potential. With millions of new cases of ADD and other learning disabilities diagnosed every year, parents are searching for solutions to help them break through their children's performance plateaus.
Written in response to the overwhelming need that Dr. Lawlis sees every day in his practice and in his role as Dr. Phil's primary contributing psychologist, The IQ Answer will be a powerful tool for all those who want to be as successful as they can be.
Play time is serious business
Delaware Online Mar 01, 2011
Play is an important part of growing, researchers say, particularly unrestricted or child-led play, the kind kids do on the playground at recess or when they're riding their bikes in the neighborhood. As simple as it sounds, this kind of play helps kids develop their creativity, imagination and social skills, not to mention physical strength. 
Signing may increase brain development in babies
WNDU Mar 01, 2011
Research shows that signing babies have fewer temper tantrums, because they become less frustrated when they can communicate exactly what they want. One NIH funded study showed that eight year olds who learned baby sign language as infants had an average IQ 12 points higher than non-signers. 
10 Myths of Early Childhood Development
E How Feb 22, 2011
For new parents, even for first-born or later-born children, confusion and concern may arise over the developmental skills and growth of your child. This is a perfectly natural thing for a parent to be afraid of. 
Moms Who Take Folic Acid and Iron Supplements Have Smarter Kids
BabyZone Feb 20, 2011
"What we showed is prenatal iron and folic acid supplementation had a significant impact on the offspring's intellectual level and motor ability and ability during school age, which was a very exciting finding," says study author Parul Christian, an expert in international health at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. 
Easy ways to enhance your child's brain development
The Examiner Feb 20, 2011
What is the best way for you to ensure that your child's brain is developing to maximize their chances for a successful academic career and a life of positive emotional experiences? There are two easy ways you can help your child.
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