Optimal IQ Development in Children - Learning the Basics
By Andrew Loh
Child IQ is a much-debated topic today. All parents want their children to be smart and intelligent. IQ in children has many connotations. For some parents, IQ means their children achieving the highest possible grades and marks. Similarly, for some parents, IQ means performing better in arts and music. Likewise, many other parents may also feel that IQ is something that relates to achieve excellence in standard IQ tests. In reality, IQ is something more than just scoring better scores or performing better in arts and music. IQ in children is a quality that helps them do better in all aspects of life. IQ is a quality index of leading a better life.
Parents should know and understand what really IQ is and how it affects the brain development in children. IQ in children is an indicator of how they behave, act, study and reach success levels in life. IQ and brain development relate closely to each other. The way in which the brain grows and develops has a deep influence on the level of IQ. The size of the brain in babies is twice as agile and active as an adult brain. A newly born baby will have a rudimentary brain with millions of primary nerve connections that will develop into a full-pledged center that has the ability to perform billions of tasks within a fraction of second. However, the nerve connection in a baby's brain will not have a solid and established set of pathways.
The first three years in a baby's life have a lot of significance. During this time interlude, the brain will have the maximum potential to develop, learn and master a series of skills and life techniques. In a baby's life, the brain will have a genetically sequenced program that has the ability to synthesize a large number of synapses and nerve connections. As the brain grows with a compatible environment, billions of such synapses will pool together to form an established pathway. In fact, the total numbers of synapses produced is far more than the brain will ever use in its lifetime. The normal development of the brain ensures that it will keep those synapses that are in use and lose those that are not.
It also means that by using those extra synapses, the ability or the capacity of the brain will enhance in a significant manner. In other words, just a small percentage increase in the usage rate of additional nerve synapses will result in a huge boost in the intelligence, smartness and the IQ. The IQ in children starts building during the first three of life. During this critical phase of the child's life, parents will need to do everything that eventually helps the brain to perform at is optimum best.
IQ development in children depends a lot on the quality of life they lead in the early part of the life. In this regard, parents' help, cooperation, involvement and encouragement play an important role. Love and nurturing in the early life of the children will help them develop their brain in an optimal manner. An interactive and loving relationship will also help in developing the child brain. The basic steps that the parents take or adapt during the early life of children are very critical for cognitive, emotional and emotional growth. Available research studies also suggest that children need some special elements in the early phase of the life to develop brains to their fullest possible extent.
IQ in children may include the following:
Emotional skills
Emotional stability
Social skills like adapting to the environment, mannerism, personal relationship with others
Scholastic abilities like academic knowledge, skills, getting good grades etc
Better abilities in fine arts, music, drawing, painting, sculpture etc
Better reading and writing abilities
Better linguistic and written language skills
Enhanced visual and spatial skills
Better creative abilities
Superior auditory skills
Note: These are just some of the skills that make up the IQ in children. Some children may excel in one or two of these areas, while no one can boast of possessing all these qualities.
Growing environment plays a critical role in deciding how far your children will acquire better IQ. If the growing environment is supportive and cajoling, your children will develop a deep motivation to optimize their IQ by learning a range of multiple intelligences, skills and techniques. Cognitive skills, fine motor skills and muscle-eye and hand coordination are three of the most critical issues those can significantly affect the IQ development in children. Continue to read Optimal IQ Development in Children - Practical Techniques and Methods
