~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~
" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "
Volume #9 Issue #23
ISSN: 0219-7642 May 29, 2011
Andrew Loh, Publisher
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There is a fierce debate on the extent of classroom activities that a child needs to become successful both in the classroom and out of it. Classroom activities are very essential for the success of your children. However, it may not be just enough for ensuring complete success in life. Success in life means acquiring various life skills other than the academic ones.
Just imagine how you can use extra time to teach and train children a range of skills and abilities that are non-classroom in nature. They could be fun, thrilling and exciting too. Your children will have a way to express their feelings, ideas and expression. Just remember that most of these activities will not exert pressure that your children usually experience in a competitive classroom! Non-classroom activities are hassle-free, easy-going and entertaining.
Parents may need to use a combination of different techniques to help children sharpen their brain functions. Classroom and non-classroom activities, in good combination, can help achieve a number of benefits that might have far-reaching consequences in life which are always positive and encouraging in life. All the best to you.
Thought for today:
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking its stupid." - Albert Einstein
Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
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Five Non-classroom Activities to Sharpen Your Children's Brain - Part I
Non-classroom activities are as important as classroom activities. They can help your children acquire a number of skills and abilities that eventually lead to sharper intellect and better brain development.
Five Non-classroom Activities to Sharpen Your Children's Brain - Part II
Non-classroom activities could be exciting and thrilling for your children. They do not exert undue pressure nor do they demand too much time and effort; non-classroom activities act as catalysts to fuel brain development.
Q1: My daughter was tested for gifted in grade 5. It was a suggestion put forth by the school. In hindsight, all of the signs were there early speech, reading, drawing, understanding adult wit, curiosity, being comfortable in adult conversation etc etc....I have requested she be tested again and was told although it's not usually done at this stage, they will comply as they have met with the panel/teachers and feel it is justified.
To this day, it has been frustrating for everyone and especially my daughter. It's like she is on the cusp. Neither the norm nor gifted. What can I expect from this test and what can I do to help my daughter get through high school. Thank you so much!
A: I can understand your concern. It is not an easy task for parents to handle gifted children and it becomes harder during their teen years. It is not clear from your letter if she was placed in a program for advanced learners. Did she qualify for the gifted program? If she did not, and with the all the signs you described, it really appears as if she is not in the right program and is slowly burning out. Hence, the non-conformity, acting out, boredom, etc..... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Frustration and the Gifted Teen here.
Q2: I was wondering if giftedness is clarified to come at a later stage. My child, now 15 years old, has somehow just sprung into life in terms of academia. There has always been something about the way she acts, she has always had rational and logical thoughts, and has a repetition to be quite upheld about her views on things, taking no care what others say unless they prove they know better. She has also been diagnosed with mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, and it is clear to both the family and to her peers and teachers at school that she has always had overwhelming thoughts which provoke her to have a certain way in a situation...
A: This is indeed a very interesting case. It is obvious that she showed her abilities late but it is also obvious that she had them all along, just waiting for a trigger. Unfortunately, ability is viewed as a static property determined by the genes and should be activated immediately at birth. As simple as it may seem, this is not really the case. It is true that in most cases gifted children demonstrate abilities at a very early age, at the same time, for some people, ability may take time to develop. Genetic contribution takes time to unfold and it does so differently with every individual.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on A Late Bloomer here.
Q3: A learner in Grade R shows signs of smartness and brightness, intelligence. Fine motor skills that are slightly not developed as would be preferred and allergies affect his performance. He will be school age appropriate in 2012 but is an October child. Should he remain in Grade R or should he be sent on to kindergarten?
A: The main problem with smart kids with a possible disability is that adults usually tend to focus on their weaknesses and not their strengths. Children as such would flourish with an individual learning program or perhaps home schooled if adjustment in school is not possible. Fine motor skills would be developed in time as the child grows older.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Holding Back a Bright Child here.
Your Child's Growing Mind: Brain Development and Learning From Birth to Adolescence
By Jane Healy, Ph.D
Hailed by parents and educators, Your Child's Growing Mind is a window into the fascinating process of brain development and learning. It looks at the roots of emotion, intelligence, and creativity, translating the most current scientific research into practical suggestions for parents and teachers.
Dr. Healy also addresses academic learning, offering countless suggestions for how parents can help without pushing. She explains the building blocks of reading, writing, spelling, and mathematics and shows how to help youngsters of all ages develop motivation, attention, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child from Zero to Five
By John Medina
Brain Rules for Baby bridges the gap between what scientists know and what parents practice. Through fascinating and funny stories, Medina, a developmental molecular biologist and dad, unravels how a child's brain develops--and what you can do to optimize it.
In his New York Times bestseller Brain Rules, Dr. John Medina showed us how our brains really work-and why we ought to redesign our workplaces and schools. Now, in Brain Rules for Baby, he shares what the latest science says about how to raise smart and happy children from zero to 5.
Study Links 5-Year-Olds' Brain Skills to Mothers' Warmth During Infancy
News America May 24, 2011
A new analysis of data from a cognitive science laboratory at Virginia Tech adds more fuel to the idea that children's ability to listen and follow directions in school is connected to the way caregivers responded to them as infants. Using data on babies' brain development as well as their mothers' interactions with them at five months old, the lab has found that maternal warmth is connected to a child’s “executive functioning” five years later. 
The Link Between Breastfeeding and Behavior in Children
Health News Digest May 17, 2011
A study published in the May 2011 issue of Archives of Disease in Childhood found that five-year-old children who were breastfed as babies are better behaved than their formula-fed counterparts! 
A letter to parents, guardians of young children
Record Net May 14, 2011
One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is a good education - a gift that serves as a solid foundation for success in school and life. 
Children's earliest memories shift as they get older, study finds
LA Times May 12, 2011
By quizzing small children about the first events they remember - a cousin misbehaving, a trip to a grocery store, a mother's bribe of red and green licorice - researchers have discovered that the earliest memories of children shift as they get older, and don't solidify into the first memories carried throughout life until about age 10. 
Nurturing the gifted child
Deccan Herald May 23, 2011
Annie was a gifted student from a very young age. She showed a flair for subjects like Math and Physics, consistently scoring high grades, and was additionally good at badminton and chess. She had a photographic memory, which meant that she only had to read a subject once to be able to assimilate it and reproduce it. Naturally, her parents were over the moon with their “prodigal daughter”. 
Develop children's emotional health
Alberta Tribune May 19, 2011
May is Children's Mental Health month in Freeborn County. Many people might be wondering why a child care center director is writing an article about children's mental health. I would like to give you a little different perspective.
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