~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~
" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "
Volume #5 Issue #21
ISSN: 0219-7642 June 24, 2007
Andrew Loh, Publisher
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I read an interesting thread on a parenting forum the other day with titled "I’m a bad mother because I yell at my kids. How can I stop doing that, please help me!". If yelling at kids makes us a bad parent, I believe most of us probably are. Who never raise voice to their children? Not even once? You must be kidding ;-). I guess we just have to stop worrying over how to be the perfect parent and stop being a perfectionist. We are human being and no matter what we set out to achieve (i.e. a 'perfect' parent), we will find that we make mistakes all the times. We just need to accept that mistakes as part of the parenting journey. Learn from them and move on. Just remember "Nobody is Perfect, and I'm Nobody". Take care!
Thought for today:
" Most of us are pretty good at keeping promises to others and pretty bad at keeping promises to ourselves. " - Lawrence LeShan
Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
andrew @ brainy-child.com
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The Myth Of The Perfect Parent
By Marian Heaton
As parents the love we have for our children is intense and all encompassing. We want so much for them to have a fulfilling, loving life full of ease and joy. Learn some secrets of 'perfect' parenting here.
Bringing Out The Best Behaviour In Kids
By Michael Grose
New discipline is based on different consistency and uses common sense tools to bring out children's best behaviour. It is more concerned with "teaching children how to behave well" than teaching "them a lesson." Bringing out children's better behaviour is easy if you have easy children. It can be more testing if you have challenging kids or when you are raising active toddlers and feisty teenagers with plenty of attitude.
Your Baby Can Read, Set 1
By Dr. Robert Titzer
Long-term research shows that children who are taught to read by age four, read better than same-IQ, same-socioeconomic status children who are taught at ages 5 or 6.
* Teaches babies, toddlers, and preschoolers written language during the window of opportunity for learning language.
* Promotes the learning of 'natural phonics'!
* Also includes news stories, testimonials, and remarkable footage of babies reading.
Ways to Boost Your Child's IQ (Imagination Quotient)
parents June 15, 2007
"Nurturing creativity is one of the most important things you can do for your child," says Wendy Masi, PhD, dean of the Mailman Segal Institute of Childhood Studies at Nova Southeastern University, in Fort Lauderdale, and author of Toddler Play. New research indicates that a child's imagination quotient (aka "the other IQ") may be a bigger factor in predicting academic success than the more traditional measure of aptitude, her intelligence quotient. 
Controversial Study Suggests Eldest Children Have an IQ Edge
ABCNews June 21, 2007
The study, published in the current issue of the journal Science, involved more than 240,000 Norwegian men who took IQ tests when they entered the military. In most families, the scores of the firstborn were three points higher than the second child, and four points higher than a third.
As for the reasons behind the apparent intelligence gap, Kristensen and other researchers insist it is not due to nature but nurture, with the firstborn enjoying the fruits of undivided attention early in life. 
Yes, bigger brains mean higher IQ, on average
PakTribune June 23, 2007
People with bigger brains tend to score higher on standardized tests of intelligence, according to new study findings. However, study author Dr. Michael A. McDaniel of the Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond emphasized that these findings represent a general trend, and people with small heads should not automatically believe they are less intelligent. 
Emotional maturity beats IQ for success
Jamaica-Gleaner June 22, 2007
A new study has found a significant correlation between the grade point average (GPA) of students and their level of emotional-social intelligence (ESI), especially in relation to adaptability and stress management.
This suggests that students who are more emotionally and socially intelligent - or aware of themselves and others - are better able to adapt to circumstances and to manage stress, and as a result, these students have a higher level of academic achievement. 
Your baby can read
Ahwatukee June 15, 2007
Mountains of research exist that show young children more easily pick up second languages than adults, a development Titzer chalks up to the increased neuroplasticity of children. "Neuroplasticity" refers the expansion of the brain and the creation of new areas of brain activity, and the creation of new synaptic paths wherein thoughts are transmitted. 
Fathers play important role in their child's development
Pocono Record June 20, 2007
Fathers are critically important to the cognitive development of their children. Interestingly, it appears that mothers may be more genetically important to the overall cognitive function for their children. However, though the genetic impact on cognitive function from the father does not seem as important as that of the mother, the action of the father is very important. 
Getting Kids Back to Nature
healthnewsdigest June 17, 2007
The outdoors is the best place for young children to practice and master emerging physical skills and to experience the pure joy of movement. It’s also the place where they’re likely to burn the most calories, which is absolutely necessary in the fight against obesity. Additionally, the outside light stimulates the pineal gland, which is the part of the brain that helps regulate the biological clock, is vital to the immune system, and simply makes us feel happier. 
Lead paint forces Thomas toy trains recall
TampaBay June 16, 2007
Lead can harm anyone, but it is especially dangerous to children because it can slow growth and development. It can interfere with normal brain development, resulting in lowered intelligence and behavior problems. Even small amounts of lead can be harmful. Exposure to lead paint dust from older homes is the most common cause of lead poisoning but lead-containing products also pose a health risk to children.
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