~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~
" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "
Volume #10 Issue #15
ISSN: 0219-7642 January 22, 2012
Andrew Loh, Publisher
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I don't know about you but I have somewhat serious problem of procrastination. I have some holiday plans, projects and business ideas that I have put on hold for quite some time now. I'm still waiting for the 'right time' to get started. I believe many people are having the same problem as me. We plan, organize and make resolution but we still struggle incessantly to shake off procrastination.
Robert J. Ringer's advice; "Action today! Develop the habit of living in the present. The best day really is today, so get started now, no matter what your problems are and no matter how long you've already procrastinated.". In another words, DON'T WAIT. You may want to read an inspired article by Daniel G. St-Jean, “ Don't Do What the Pizza Man Did”. Have a nice day!
Thought for today:
" It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela
Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
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Cognitive Learning Styles - What is it?
In s simple language, cognition means thinking. Cognition is very critical for a child's optimum brain development. Cognitive learning styles are different among different children.
Different Cognitive Learning Strategies - Some Tips and Suggestions
Children use different cognitive learning strategies and techniques to learn. Identifying an individual style is very critical to teach cognitive learning methods to them. Click on the link to learn which method your children use to learn in a cognitive way.
Q1: At 18 months my daughter was assessed by a group of medical professionals (Pediatrician, Psychologist, Nurse and Occupational therapist). She was able to speak in 3 and 4 word sentences, follow complex directions without difficulty...She is now 2.5 years old. I have enrolled her into swimming, skating, gymnastics and mommy time. She loves singing, reciting the ABC's, counting up to 20. Able to recognize patterns and 5 letters with sounds and enjoys being read to. She spends hours playing with dolls and teddy bears and spends time with pretend play....
A: Today, it is much harder to determine giftedness since many children are exposed to various activities by parents; these activities actually make them learn faster regardless of ability. All children are like sponges and absorb learning quite rapidly, and enthusiastic parents certainly help in their development. For example, a gifted toddler may learn to read at three, and so will a bright toddler. The earlier one reads, the faster learning will take place... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Above Average Development here.
Q2: My daughter has recently had a WISC-IV & WIAT II - full scale IQ 54. She also has ASD & ADHD. The test concluded that she also has severe SpLD (dyslexia). However, the Local Authority say that because she has a low IQ, that there is not enough evidence that she is also dyslexic. Her score showed 0.01 statistical difference between predicted & actual scores. What do you think? Can a child be dyslexic and have a very low IQ?.
A: For the longest time, a child diagnosed as being dyslexic has been also seen as bright and verbally articulate, but struggles to read. In fact, as a rule of thumb, children who score high in intelligence tests but have low reading abilities are seen as dyslexics.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Low IQ and Dyslexia here.
Q3: My son's name is Chase, and I've been wondering for quite some time if my son is gifted. When my son was born he could hold his head up after 2hrs or so. When he was two weeks old he could lift his head up, arms straight. He could look at you in the eye while laying on his belly. The pediatrician told me that it was rare for a two week old to do something a six month old does. He has done other things physically early for him between when he was a few hours old until now.....
A: You did not indicate the age of your child, so I assume that he may be around 16 months. There is very little information to determine if he is gifted so I would just give a general view of the developmental milestones of a child in comparison. Though, he does appear to be advanced for his age. As a rule of thumb, a gifted child would show about 30% advanced development of some skills and abilities by weeks, months or even years.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Developmental Milestones of an Advanced Child here.
Cognitive Development: The Learning Brain
By Usha Goswami, Ph.D
This book is a thoroughly revised and updated edition of the bestselling Cognition in Children. This full-color textbook has been re-written from the perspective of brain science and shows how new discoveries in cognitive neuroscience force us to reconsider traditional theories of cognitive development.
Conceptualizing cognitive development around three core domains of human knowledge - naive physics, naive biology and naive psychology - the book considers the learning mechanisms available to the infant brain. Each chapter explores how these mechanisms affect different aspects of cognitive development.
Cognitive Styles and Learning Strategies: Understanding Style Differences in Learning and Behavior
By Richard Riding
Cognitive style may well turn out to be the missing element in the study of individual differences. This book reviews and integrates research on style differences in learning and behaviour and describes the Cognitive Styles Analysis which provides a simple and effective method of assessing style in children and adults.
As both a textbook and a source of reference for professionals working in a range of contexts, it aims to help teachers and trainers reflect on and assess their effectiveness. The authors provide insights into personal and professional behaviour for counsellors and personnel professionals, and offer a framework for future research for psychologists.
Active Children May Do Better in School
Time Magazine Jan 16, 2012
Physical activity can improve blood flow to the brain, fueling memory, attention and creativity, which are essential to learning. And exercise releases hormones that can improve mood and suppress stress, which can also help learning. So while it may seem as if kids are just exercising their bodies when they're running around, they may actually be exercising their brains as well. 
More School May Mean Higher IQ Scores
VOA News Jan 12, 2011
A study in Norway has found that students who stayed in school longer than others their age scored higher on intelligence tests.

Who Is Currently Identified as Gifted in the United States?
Huffington Post Jan 05, 2012
Today, lots of different definitions of giftedness exist. This wasn't always the case. Prior to 1972, practically every school used one criterion and one criterion only to identify giftedness: an IQ cut-off of 130. This criterion was heavily influenced by the pioneering work of Lewis Terman, who equated high IQ with genius. 
Why children need a multivitamin
news8000 Jan 9, 2012
There are 13 essential Recommended Daily Allowances of vitamins and minerals that children need for optimum health - some harder to obtain than others. Growing bodies need carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals to develop correctly. However, many American children do not take in the proper requirements. 
Fish in pregnancy could enhance intellectual capacity of babies
FIS Jan 11, 2012
According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the children of women who ate more fish during pregnancy produced better results on tests of verbal intelligence, complex motor skills and behaviors leading to socialization. 
Breastfeeding boosts a child's intelligence
Vanguard Jan 19, 2012
A recent study of more than 17,000 infants followed from birth to 6 1/2 years, it was found that from IQ scores and other intelligence tests that prolonged and exclusive breastfeeding significantly improves cognitive development.
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Andrew Loh - andrew @ brainy-child.com
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