~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~
" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "
Volume #11 Issue #16
ISSN: 0219-7642 Jan 20, 2013
Andrew Loh, Publisher
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Extending on last issue's New Year write-up, this fortnight's editorial hopes to give some thoughtful inputs that might help parents do a lot and achieve plenty on the way. Parenting is a never-ending and ongoing process that constantly improves and fine-tunes over day and night, months and years. No parent can be perfect and efficient per se. One of the significant resolutions that a parent could make is to try to become a good parent who could be thoughtful, considerate and helpful to their children.
Nothing can beat a happy family. A jovial family is the one, when every member feels contented and satisfied. An unknown quote says, “What a blessing to having happy family like mine... I love them all more than I love myself.” Love, affection, empathy and kindness are all the hallmarks of a great family.
Now, how do we achieve these not-too-easy-to-achieve goals? According to a survey conducted by the Economic and Social Research Councils' Festival of Social Science 2011, the report suggested that a positive, self-compassionate, jovial, close-knit and laughing family can be a near-perfect family, while parents who make it possible, too, would achieve the goal of reaching perfect parenthood. Take care!
Thought for today:
"If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings." - Brian Tracy
Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
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Frequently Asked Questions about Gifted Children - Part 1
Giftedness in children is a mysterious topic! Children, who are gifted and talented, are difficult to understand. Parents are bound to ask hundreds of questions about giftedness in children. Read more here!
Frequently Asked Questions about Gifted Children - Part 2
Gifted children need special attention, because their parental and academic needs are entirely different from other normal children. The unique topic of giftedness among children raises more questions than available answers. Read the article to learn more.
A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children
By James T. Webb, Ph.D, Edward R. Amend, Psy.D, and etc
Raising a gifted child is both a joy and a challenge, yet parents of gifted children have few resources for reliable parenting information. The four authors, who have decades of professional experience with gifted children and their families, provide practical guidance in areas such as: Characteristics of gifted children; Peer relations; Sibling issues; Motivation & underachievement; Discipline issues; Intensity & stress; Depression & unhappiness; Educational planning; Parenting concerns; Finding professional help; and much, much more!
The Gifted Kids' Survival Guide: For Ages 10 & Under
By Judy Galbraith M.A.
Based on 1,000 new surveys with gifted kids, this book will continue to help countless bright, talented children know they're not 'weird' or alone in the world. It answers their questions about what gifted is (and isn't), how to cope with teasing, how to deal with high expectations and perfectionism, how to make friends, and much more.
It's upbeat, informative, friendly, and compact. At a time when some gifted programs are being challenged, scaled back, or dropped, it's more important than ever to have "The Gifted Kids' Survival Guide".
Modern Parenting May Hinder Brain Development, Research Suggests
AScienceDaily Jan 7, 2013
Parents may be damaging healthy brain and social development with child-rearing practices that are more parent-centered than baby-focused, according to interdisciplinary research that's sparking new debate about what to do for baby. 
Debunking the IQ myth
Western University Jan 10, 2013
Considered a standard gauge of intelligence, an intelligence quotient (IQ) score doesn't actually provide an accurate measure of one's intellect, according to a landmark study - the largest of its kind - led by Adrian Owen of the Brain and Mind Institute at Western. 
What makes gifted kids tick?
Chicago Now Jan 08, 2013
What motivates students to work hard? What's part of an engaging curriculum? Gifted expert Sally Walker identified the following elements years ago at the Gifted Institute and they still hold true. 
Some gifted children talk too much
South Coast Today Jan 17, 2013
Why it is some gifted children are prone to verbal outbursts and talking too much? Why do they sometimes have trouble sharing and doing group projects Children who are very verbal receive much early praise and attention for their adult-sounding vocabulary and insightful comments. That's a normal part of the learning process. 
Low blood lead levels linked to lower IQ in Italian kids
Environmental Health News Jan 16, 2013
Kids exposed to low levels of lead score lower on IQ tests, according to a study of junior high students in Northern Italy. The low levels found in the youths are typical of many European and North American countries, and are below the exposures that U.S. health officials established to identify kids at risk. Growing evidence suggests even low amounts of lead can harm developing brains..'

Drinking during pregnancy can lower your baby's IQ
Zeenews Jan 17, 2013
Women who drink as little as half a pint of beer per week during pregnancy can cut their baby's intelligence level by several IQ points, a new study claims. Researchers suggest this could be enough to make a difference to the child's prospects, in the study that teased out a true relationship between moderate drinking in pregnancy and its affect on an unborn child.
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Andrew Loh - andrew @ brainy-child.com
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