~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~
" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "
Volume #11 Issue #6
ISSN: 0219-7642 Aug 19, 2012
Andrew Loh, Publisher
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The world of child prodigies is an amazing thing! The recently concluded London Olympics was not an exception, because many such child prodigies participated and highlighted their stupendous skills! While many teens are learning how to drive a car, a sixteen-year sensation, Erica Wu, a child table tennis prodigy player, was trying to win a gold medal! On the other, a seventeen-year-old gymnastics wonder, Gabby Douglas, won the gold medal gymnastics individual event. Tom Daley represented Great Britain at the 2008 Beijing Olympics where he was the youngest competitor to participate in a 10M diving final at the age of 14.
Many young Olympians win their position in the national team, travel to the Olympics venue, participate in one of the events and aspire to win a gold medal. The dream of winning an elusive gold medal makes them work hard and focus on their objectives with all the concentration and dedication.
This edition of newsletter relates to gifted children, and in what manner parents could ignite their inner potential. There is a gift in each one of our children. You may just want to catalyze your children's inner pool of talents and skills, to make them efficient and productive. Happy Reading!
Thought for today:
"I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious." - Albert Einstein
Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
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Develop Your Child's Genius - How to Treat a Gifted Child to Bring Out the Best
Every child is a gifted child. There are some special talents or skills within every child. However, giftedness among children could be boosted only with parental help and intervention.
Develop Your Child's Genius - Gifted Children Unlock their Full Potential with Active Parental Help
Unlocking a child's gifted potential is possible with active parental intervention. Boosting a child's potential is a long and intricate process. Read the article to learn more.
Q1: I had my son screened for giftedness last week. He is 6 years old and graduating Kindergarten. We have known since he was not even 2 that he was a very bright child. He was doing puzzles at 18m and doing 100 piece puzzles at 4.5yo. He was in preschool reading while the others were learning the alphabet. Last year at the end of pre-school the teachers told me that we could skip kindergarten and put him in 1st grade. He loves animals and dinosaurs, can tell you what type, the long names of ones I have never heard of, if they are herbivores or carnivores, etc...
A: Briefly, The Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Second Edition (K-BIT 2) is used to measure verbal and nonverbal cognitive ability. It is used to obtain a quick estimate of intelligence, estimate an individual's verbal versus nonverbal intelligence and/or to screen to identify students who may benefit from enrichment or gifted programs. Additionally, this test is also able to identify high-risk children through large-scale screening who may require a more comprehensive evaluation..... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Lower than Expected Score on KBIT-2 here.
Q2: My son is 8 and in 2nd grade. He recently took the Terra Nova and scored in the 99% for both reading and math. The InView section - he scored in the 99% for total nonverbal, total verbal and the total score with a CSI of 141. These scores qualified him to take the WISC-IV for admittance in the gifted program....
A: Different schools have different criteria for testing to screen students for their gifted programmes. In almost all reasonable selection, more than one method may be used. This usually includes an achievement and an ability test. Now, the main difference between the tests mentioned is that the Terra Nova is an achievement test (nationally-standardised group assessment) whereas the WISC-IV (and others such as the Stanford-Binet, Woodcock Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities, etc) is ability/aptitude tests. This does not warrant a one-to-one comparison.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Testing for the Gifted Programme here.
Q3: My son is 8 years old. The school he attends currently want us to have him tested by an Educational Psychologist. They specifically want him to be WISC tested, the school and myself believe that he is dyslexic. Which he has been tested for and we are awaiting the results. My concern is that the schools eagerness to have this WISC test done...
A: Like other intelligence tests the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) is designed to measure skills and abilities, rather than grade-level subject knowledge. This is not only for gifted children – it is a general measure of a child's cognitive abilities. It is not only an intelligence test but also a clinical tool.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Reason for Using the WISC here.
Smart Parenting for Smart Kids: Nurturing Your Child's True Potential
By Eileen Kennedy-Moore, Ph.D and Mark S. Lowenthal, PsyD
It's ironic that the children (and adults) who are most frightened about not being good enough are often the most capable. These children may become extremely anxious before tests--even though they're very competent academically. They may spend way too much time on assignments or refuse to do anything where they aren't instantly successful.
The world tells bright children that their performance matters; they need us, their parents, to tell them that they are much more than the sum of their accomplishments. They need to know that we love them for their kindness, curiosity, imagination, determination, and sense of fun. Qualities like these aren't necessarily impressive, but they matter deeply.
101 Success Secrets for Gifted Kids
By Christine Fonseca
Pssst! Want to know a secret? 101 Success Secrets for Gifted Kids: The Ultimate Handbook is a must-read for gifted kids ages 8 to 12 who want to find success in school and life. If you know gifted kids, they will love the 101 awesome secrets, tips, and tricks included in this book!
Chock full of fun suggestions and practical strategies, 101 Success Secrets for Gifted Kids covers topics including bullying, school performance, perfectionism, friendships, and sibling rivalries. Fun quizzes, tip sheets, and practical Q & A sections from other gifted kids and preteens make this book fun to read and give gifted kids insight into everything they've ever wanted to know about being gifted.
Natural Birth Stimulates Baby Brain Development
Discovery Aug 08, 2012
Mothers who have a choice between natural birth and a C-section would do well to choose the former. Natural form of birth can improve the baby's brain development, according to new research. 
Childhood development: The link between neglect and brain structure
Yahoo Shine July 26, 2012
The study found a disturbing difference between children raised in loveless and neglected institutions versus those that were raised in families, findings that support previous studies about the effects of neglect and abuse. The Boston researches found that those neglected infants had impaired brain structures with “measurably lower grey matter volume and white matter volume in the cortex of the brain...” writes Time’s Laura Blue.

Two Languages Better Than One for Kids' Brains
Every Day Health Aug 09, 2012
Children who speak more than one language seem to have a learning advantage: Being bilingual can improve children's problem-solving skills and creative thinking, a new study suggests. 
Fluoride and Low-IQ link is real, new Harvard report says
Deathrattlesports Aug 16, 2012
According to a meta-analysis funded by the National Institutes of Health, children who live in areas with heavily fluoridated water supplies have “significantly lower” IQ scores than those who live in areas where the water has low levels of the chemical. 
Women who drink a glass of wine a day during pregnancy affect their child's growth for nine years
Daily Mail Aug 15, 2012
Lead author Dr Robert Carter said: 'We found that children born to women who drank heavily during pregnancy had reductions in weight, height, and head circumference, an indicator of brain growth. 'This alcohol-related growth restriction was present in early infancy and persisted through to nine years of age.' He said the effects may be permanent and affect brain development, giving children a lower IQ for life. 
Is the iPad helping or harming children?
Tabtimes Aug 11, 2012
Child psychologist Dr Jordy Kaufman has decided to explore whether Apple's iPad helps or hinders children's brain development. 
How Parents' Stress Can Hurt A Child, From The Inside Out
Forbes July 25, 2012
If you're a parent, you may have seen your stress level in your child's eyes, or perhaps you've seen it played out in his or her behavior. If you're not a parent, you may remember the feeling of delight at your own parents' happiness, or the devastation when you sensed that they were not OK.
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