~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~
" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "
Volume #10 Issue #21
ISSN: 0219-7642 Apr 15, 2012
Andrew Loh, Publisher
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April is considered as "Child Abuse Prevention Month" throughout the world. The month of April conveys to all parents why abusing their children is counter-productive and in what manner it can delay children's brain growth and normal development. Children in their tender age are very raw and innocent. In fact, they may not know how to differentiate the right from wrong. In addition, they may not know what they do, perform or act, and whether it is good for them or not. This is where parents could help their children in a significant manner.
Available research findings suggest us that abusing or mistreating children may dent their tender brains forever. Hence, parents may want to exercise enough caution to raise their children in a thoughtful and abuse-free manner. It could be a key to a very strong parent-children relationship. Have a great week ahead!
Thought for today:
"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy." - Dale Carnegie
Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
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Dealing with Child Bullying - Understanding Bullying Facts
Bullying by children in a classroom is dangerous and detrimental especially to the child who is bullied. Bullying is also a negative act that could have a far reaching consequence to others.
How to Prevent and Stop Bullying at Schools?
Children are always reluctant talking about bullying in their classrooms. Learn the tips to prevent child bullying at schools.
Q1: In second grade at 7.7 years old my son was evaluated in school and was given the WASI test. He scored a verbal IQ of 141 (99.7 percentile) and Performance of 93 (32nd percentile). He is now 13 and hasn't tested well on standardized testing.
I took him to a therapist specializing in learning disabilities. He retested him with the WISC-IV and said the first tests were probably not accurate and that he has him down as below average intelligence and ADD....I don't feel comfortable with the new results, not that he is not gifted, I don't care about that, but going from gifted and intelligent to below average and ADD? Could testing results be that much different?
A: This is quite strange and perhaps there is something wrong somewhere. The Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI) is known to be a quick, reliable measure of intelligence. The WASI is nationally standardised, yields the three traditional Verbal, Performance, Full Scale IQ scores, and is linked to the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children IV (WISC-IV). Result are quite reliable for a brief test as such to gauge the intelligence score of an individual..... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on From Gifted to Below Average? here.
Q2: I have a son, 7 years old. He is now in Primary one. His IQ test score on The Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, overall IQ 122, verbal IQ 104, and non-verbal IQ 133. The problem now is he struggles with writing and reading, he is probably dyslexic, the doctor said...
A: From the test results, it is hard to tell if there is a learning issue here. Your son did score in the upper range of the The Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test. Briefly, the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (Second Edition) or K-BIT 2 is used to measure verbal and nonverbal cognitive ability. It is used to obtain a quick estimate of intelligence, estimate an individual's verbal versus nonverbal intelligence and/or to screen to identify students who may benefit from enrichment or gifted programs .... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Learning Concern here.
Q3: My daughter has a photographic memory she can look at a textbook for a minute and six months later in an exam she can quote the textbook word for word even if she hasn't seen it since she first looked at it. Teachers tell her off for this and she is easily frustrated she spends most of her day bored and does nothing. Teachers don't like her and give her low national curriculum grades because they don't want her to show off to other students. She scored 141 on the CATS test she is 14 and I would like to know if there is any way that I can stretch her.....
A: I am really surprised at the behaviour of the teachers here. In fact, I am surprised that she has not burnt out with all the holding back at school. This is a very special child and I cannot understand the reason teachers are not recognising it and helping her maximise her potential further. This is really sad.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Teen with Photographic Memory here.
Bullyproof Your Child for Life: Protect Your Child from Teasing, Taunting, and Bullying for Good
By Joel Haber, Ph.D and Jenna Glatzer
"Bully Coach" Joel Haber, Ph.D., is one of the foremost experts in the prevention of bullying. A pioneer in the field, he has worked with thousands of kids, parents, teachers, counselors, and others to understand the root causes of the bullying dynamic-from identifying bully types to exposing the reasons why kids become bullies, targets, or bystanders-and stamp it out for the last time.
Delivering a practical, supportive, and step-by-step "bullyproofing prescription" that yields lasting results for both boys and girls, from grade school through high school, Bullyproof Your Child for Life offers specific action steps to help any child build resilience and confidence, develop compassion and trust, and thrive in school, camp, sports, and beyond.
Stop Bullying Bobby!: Helping Children Cope with Teasing and Bullying
By Dana Smith-Mansell and Suzanne Riggio
In this insightful and winsome story, Robin, a seven-year-old girl, sees Bobby, the new kid in the neighborhood, being teased and bullied by other kids. Bobby dresses differently and is very small for his age. Robin wants to help Bobby, but doesn't know how so she asks her parents for help.
After witnessing firsthand the teasing that Bobby has to endure, Robin's mother talks to Bobby and Robin's teacher, Ms. Wells. Ms. Wells develops a clever class activity to teach the children that everyone is different, but these differences should not be grounds for bullying. Using puppets, the children come to see the good in everyone, no matter how different.
Stimulating brain growth
NST Apr 08, 2012
The early reflexes or muscle movements of an infant are critical for the development of his or her brain functions and ability to learn. Under normal conditions, all reflexes will appear during the appropriate stage of a child's development. 
Feeding on demand can affect a baby's IQ
Mirror Apr 09, 2012
Babies who are fed either breast milk or formula on demand do better at school at age five, seven, 11 and 14, than babies fed according to the clock. By the age of eight, their IQ scores are 4-5% higher than babies fed by a rigid timetable.
This research comes from Oxford and Essex University using a sample of 10,419 children born in the early 1990s, taking account of parental education, family income, a child’s gender and age, the mother’s health and parenting style.

Abuse can forever change how brain functions
Register Guard Apr 08, 2012
Flooding the brains of babies with stress hormones at high levels for significant lengths of time creates long-term changes in their physical systems. These changes affect not only the structures in their brains but also their bodies’ metabolism. There seems to be a key period in early childhood when the brain and body are particularly vulnerable to “toxic stress.” By the time a child is in school the brain is less pliable and less likely to be affected in such a lasting way. 
Emotional trauma may hurt toddlers' later learning
WMBF News Apr 09, 2012
Suffering emotional trauma such as witnessing domestic violence or being abused early in life may inhibit children's intellectual development, according to a new study. The researchers also found that the impact of trauma seems to be most damaging when it occurs during the first two years of life. 
Child's growth shaped by age 3
Wisconsin Rapids Tribune Mar 25, 2012
At birth, an infant's brain is only 25 percent of the size of an average adult's brain. By age 3, a child's brain has grown to 90 percent of an adult's brain.
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