~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~
" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "
Volume #7 Issue #3
ISSN: 0219-7642 Sep 14, 2008
Andrew Loh, Publisher
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Until now, child development experts believed and suggested that playtime is an exclusive time that develops a child's brain and help streamline children's outlook and personality. But, recent research findings and reports think otherwise and in a revolutionary way. Creative play is perhaps the most useful and beneficial for a child's brain development as well overall personal improvement. Parents from around the world believed that playtime was not really productive and that it was a wastage of time! Parents also believed in the age old concept that demanded their children study hard for their classroom performance and year-end grades.
However, parents are now understanding the critical importance of creative playtime to develop their children's brain and a host of other personality indicators. With voluminous data, research, papers, magazine and books available on creative play and its importance, parents are getting increasingly interested with this amazing topic. Creative play can bring whiff of fresh air into your children's life! It is also refreshing and encouraging! Creative play can make your children active and focused on achieving the best in their life. Creative play can help your child hone and sharpen skills and techniques needed to achieve a number of results.
Ordinary play and creative play are two different concepts that provide two distinctive types pf results. Though ordinary play is an essential part of your child's life, it may not provide desired and positive results. On the other hand, creative play could play an important role in your child's life with its amazing benefits like creativity, perfection, dedication, discipline, will power, social skills, personal strengths, enhanced learning process, clarity in thinking, confidence and timeliness.
As a parent, you may wish to teach your children a number of creative games and activities that will help them enhance and improve the quality of their life. Learning to master creative play could be an interesting activity and refreshing event. It can also change the way you think as a parent. All the best!
Thought for today:
"Children are inspiring and refreshing! Children can make their parents complete!" - Old Proverb
Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
andrew @ brainy-child.com
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Creative Play: Stimulate Your Child's Natural Talents
Creative play is an important aspect in your child's life. Creative play can help your child learn and master a number of personality traits and attributes which are otherwise impossible with ordinary play. Before training your child for creative play, as a parent it is your duty to learn the basics of creative play, its benefits and advantages.
Creative Play Activities for Children
Getting creative with your child means teaching your children the basic essence of creative play and its innumerable benefits. You can teach your child a number of creative games and activities that are specially focused at developing a positive personality in your child.
Q1: Can you tell me how accurate the InView portion (so-called IQ part) of the Terra Nova test is versus the WISC- IV?
br> How can I explain to a regular ed teacher that the Terra Nova IQ portion is not quite as accurate as an individual IQ test done by a licensed school psychologist?
A: One needs to understand that "accuracy" is a rather strong word for such tests and may depend on various factors. The main difference between these tests is that the Terra Nova is an achievement test (nationally-standardized group assessment) whereas the WISC-IV (and others such as the Stanford-Binet) are ability/aptitude tests. This does not warrant a one-to-one comparison.
In principle, achievement tests are more directly concerned with what is taught is schools, which is not the case with ability tests... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on The Terra Nova and the WISC-IV here.
Q2: The school feels my son (7.5 years old - 2nd grade) is ADHD because is can't sit still at school. I asked the school to test him for learning problems. There are stuck on ADHD and were not open to testing, but had too. I don't understand what the scores mean. The psychologist told me that outside of the school system that he would have a learning disability, but not within the school system because his IQ is too high. She called him gifted, but didn't want to list a full IQ score ...
A: For your son, he has very high score on Processing Speed which assesses children's abilities to focus attention and quickly scan, discriminate between, and sequentially order visual information (this alone may rule out ADHD). It also shows that he is persistent with good planning ability and motivated ... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Interpretation of WISC Scores here.
Art and Creative Development for Young Children
By Robert Schirmarcher
Art and Creative Development for young Children, 4E, written for early childhood professionals and those preparing to work with children in child care, preschool, or a Kindergarten through third grade setting, is a comprehensive, must-have resource for setting up a developmentally appropriate art program.
This updated text takes a child-centered approach to art education. It covers the important issues of art safety, cultural diversity, special needs, developmentally appropriate practice and the role of technology and computers in the lives of young children. Full of child-tested activities and extensive resources for art materials, this text subtly blends theory and research with practical application.
The Creative Journal for Children - A Guide for Parents, Teachers and Counselors
By Lucia Capacchione
This practical guide explains how to help children from preschool through junior high begin to understand themselves and to develop a positive self-image, as well as communication and artistic skills, by recording and illustrating their feelings and thoughts in a private journal. The value of journal keeping is explained, and specific instructions for guiding children are given.
Seventy-two exercises or suggested topics are presented, each explained in terms of how to do it, why it is important in achieving desired goals, and when it can best be done. The procedure has been tested in school situations. The book will be of great interest to parents and teachers, therapists, and those who work with children with physical, behavioral, or learning problems.
Smart Kids Start Nourishment from Womb
Blogspot Aug 29, 2008
Does malnutrition affect only the body or even the brain? When is the crucial stage in child's brain development? These are the questions that are often asked and questions by us especially the first time mother or expecting to be a mother. It has been discovered that the crucial stage of brain growth development is at the time when the brain is at its peak of development. This occurs near the middle of the pregnancy period and ends between a child's second and third birthday. 
Top 10 Brain Foods for Children
Health and Fit Sep 6, 2008
Want your child to do better in school? Take a close look at diet. Certain “brain foods” may help boost a child’s brain growth — plus improve brain function, memory, and concentration. In fact, the brain is a very hungry organ — the first of the body’s organs to absorb nutrients from the food we eat, explains Bethany Thayer, MS, RD, a Detroit nutritionist and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association (ADA). Growing bodies need many types of nutrients — but these 10 super foods will help kids get the most from school. 
EPA Fish Oils for a Child
General Health Sep 2, 2008
According to a study published in Pediatrics in 2005, fish oil might be a good addition to a child’s diet for a number of reasons. This study suggested that learning problems and behavioral problems at schools might be directly related to the amount of essential fatty acids (as found in fish oil) in the child’s diet. By studying over a hundred children between the ages of 5 and 12, the study found that children improved their intelligence and behavior within three months of consistent supplementation. In fact, this study proved to be so persuasive 
Classic Games Help Improve Self Control in Children
Child Development Media Sep 2, 2008
New research suggests that old-fashioned games such as Simon Says can help children exert self-control and restrain their impulses, giving them a mental workout that exercises what psychologists call “executive control.” A recent review of the study found that preschoolers who spent most of their hours in school playing games designed to improve self-control “scored better than other kids on a range of tests that measure executive function. 
Oh, Baby, You are So Amazing!
Telegraph Sep 08, 2008
The human baby is truly amazing; the unfolding of his qualities and abilities a complex story. His tiny body has the backing of a million years of human evolution, helping different features to develop in a special sequence. Evolution has armed the infant with an irresistible appeal that ensures his parents care for him, feed him, and keep him clean and warm. 
Preschoolers Gain Long-Term Advantages by Learning to Play the Piano
Parenting Zoo Sep 9, 2008
Numerous studies indicate that learning to play the piano as a preschooler sets a child up for later academic success. But tell that to most parents or grandparents of energetic preschoolers and they’ll wonder how they could get their children to sit still long enough to play an entire song. The research clearly shows that preschoolers who are exposed to early piano/keyboard lessons have an advantage in school. The trick is to find a method that is engaging and fun enough to motivate young children to learn, but teaches them to read and play real music.
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Andrew Loh - andrew @ brainy-child.com
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