~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~
" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "
Volume #9 Issue #10
ISSN: 0219-7642 Nov 14, 2010
Andrew Loh, Publisher
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Children around the world are beehive of several activities, talents and skills. They could be the epitome of what a model child should be, both in classroom and out of it. However, these statements become true, when parents provide them an opportunity to become smarter and intelligent in their early life.
Parents are the primary drives, who help their children develop good characters, attitude and behavior. Smarter and wiser children are invaluable assets to any parents. However, they may need to tag the label of "smartness and intelligence" to a basket of other indispensable and positive attributes like humility, mannerism, good behavior, nice attitude and discipline.
Children model themselves based on what they see and hear. A child could be a mirror image of his or her parents. Parents have a lot to do when it comes to orient their children towards greatness. I recently came across a great book, Have a New Kid by Friday: How to Change Your Child's Attitude, Behavior and Character in 5 Days, written by Dr. Kevin Lehman. Yes, smartness and intelligence are mandatory for your children's success. When you add the characters of good attitude and behavior, you can have great children who will be liked and adored by everyone around them.
Thought for today:
"Intelligence is really a kind of taste: taste in ideas." - Susan Sontag
Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
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Raising Smarter and Intelligent Children
Smarter and intelligent children are the by-products of a series of intelligences and talents that develop in the brain during the early parts of life. Parents can make their children smarter and intelligent by using various techniques.
Parental Techniques for Raising Intelligent and Smarter Children
Raising smart and intelligent children involves boosting early brain development by making the children acquire several intelligences like verbal, linguistic, bodily kinesthetic, analytical, motivational, cognitive and social skills.
Q1: My son is now 13 months old and since he was born people (family and strangers) have commented that he is a very bright boy. Well my husband and I just thought it was normal whatever his development milestones are but realized he might be showing signs of giftedness.....
A: Your detailed description definitely places your son in the gifted range. He has definitely demonstrated some very distinct characteristics of gifted children. A gifted child is born gifted; a bright child can be nurtured to be brighter, but not gifted. I believe your son to be gifted and from now on you have a lot of work to do to help him develop his potential to the maximum...Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Gifted vs Bright here.
Q2: My husband and I wonder if our 5 year old is gifted. She has always had an imagination that is by far more than just an imaginary friend. She has had several "friends" at a time from the time she was 2 1/2 if not before. At the age of 3 she would tell us names that didn't sound familiar almost foreign and then say they were from various countries such as India. Then she developed an entire imaginary family but she would use words like "my imaginary mama or imaginary brother" and so on...Should I have her tested so that I can gear her schoolwork around her abilities. As with most curriculums, her year this year has started with review. She is totally bored with it. Should I move on and just skip repetitive learning? I don't want to hinder her or not push her to her full ability. Any advice?
A: Your daughter clearly demonstrates distinct qualities of gifted children, that too in the higher range. It is excellent that you have noticed her gifts and are working towards nurturing them. A little bit on imaginary friends. This is indeed a positive part of growing up for any child. It is a sign of vivid imagination and especially for gifted children...Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Gifted and Highly Imaginative here.
Q3: I have this friend that was diagnosed with a mild intellectual disability; she was put in special classes. When she was a kid she used to go to a French school and she did exceptionally great there but when she came to an English school she did poorly in all subjects comparing to when she was in a French school because she couldn't understand the language. But when she got into high school she did really well she even got a prestigious English award in grade 10...I want to know if she's gifted and also have a disability. And if she's gifted could she have this disability? And can you be gifted and also fail courses too.
A: Your friend certainly needs help and I believe that she may not be getting the necessary help she needs for sometime now. It is not clear about the mild intellectual disability that you mentioned, as it does not appear that she has cognitive disabilities. Or perhaps misdiagnosed due to a learning disability that she may have had that went undiagnosed. From what you described, she is definitely linguistically gifted ... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Emotional Issues and Giftedness here.
How Your Child Is Smart: A Life-Changing Approach to Learning
By Dawna Markova, Ph.D and Anne Powell
Not all children learn the same way. This book explains the six patterns of learning and teaches parents how to identify their child's pattern so they can help them think, learn, and communicate to the best of their ability. The book also provides specific guidelines to enhance communication with children of each pattern.
Knowing your child's pattern can help you: help your children think and learn to the best of their abilities; understand behaviors that might stand in the way of learning; communicated with their teachers about their unique needs; help them with homework; find a quality education no matter what your circumstances. .
Raise a Smarter Child by Kindergarten: Raise IQ by up to 30 points and turn on your child's smart genes
By David Perlmutter, M.D and Carol Coleman
Between birth and age five, your child has up to thirty IQ points at stake. Scientists now know that the human brain is undergoing a constant and dramatic transformation in the first years of life. During this peak time of development, every activity and experience leaves an indelible mark on your baby's brain, for better or worse. The right kind of stimulation and nutrition will create connections in the brain that promote intelligence and raise IQ.
The good news is that raising a smarter child is easier than you think. It doesn't require making an investment in expensive equipment or high priced tutors. It's as simple as playing the right games, serving the right foods, and maintaining a brain-enhancing environment in your home by eliminating common household toxins.
Baby's Brain
North Jersey Nov 01, 2010
What goes on inside those little heads? If only infants could tell us. Since they can't, The Parent Paper went to Dr. John Medina, a developmental molecular biologist with research interests in the genetics of psychiatric disorders. 
Unlock your child's creativity
India Today Nov 08, 2010
Amazed at the way your child spins improbable fairytales off the top of her head? Bringing up open minded, free-thinking individuals is a challenge. But it's not as hard as you think. 
Without Emotional Intelligence, IQ means nothing
Denver Post Oct 29, 2010
Imagine a world where your feelings are valued as much as your intelligence -- in fact, one where emotions feed intelligence. American society has a way to go in terms of valuing emotion, but according to speaker and author Sue Lee, without emotional intelligence, our currently prized IQ (intelligence quotient) really means zilch. 
Preschool key to happier futures
The Age Nov 08, 2010
When Frank Oberklaid was eight and growing up in Melbourne's eastern suburbs, he would jump on his bike on a Saturday and Sunday at 9am and tell his parents he would see them at dusk. 
The science of healthy children
Seattle Times Nov 07, 2010
Early life experiences are built into our brains and bodies. Lots of negative stress for a baby can show up later as poor school performance, high blood pressure, risky behavior. 
Make time for precious play with the kids
The Sun Nov 02, 2010
MAKING the most of family time used to be child's play - but new research shows British parents now spend less than SIX MINUTES a day playing with their kids. The hectic pace of modern life means mums and dads struggle to pack in play time between work and home chores, according to the survey by Persimmon Homes.
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