~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~
" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "
Volume #10 Issue #23
ISSN: 0219-7642 May 13, 2012
Andrew Loh, Publisher
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A Mother
When you're a child she walks before you,
To set an example.
When you're a teenager she walks behind you
To be there should you need her.
When you're an adult she walks beside you
So that as two friends you can enjoy life together.
To all the mothers in my Brainyzine's subscription list, "Happy Mother's Day!"
Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
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Learning Neuroscience to Design a Fun-filled Learning Program - Part I
Neuroscience helps parents to understand how they can use it to brain train their children. Neuroscience could be used to design and create an enjoyable learning system that streamlines and refines learning process.
Learning Neuroscience to Design a Fun-filled Learning Program - Part II
Reticular activating system, Amygdala's affective filter and copious amounts of the brain chemical Dopamine are necessary to enhance learning process to an optimum level.
Q1: My son just turned 5 in March, and is going to 1st grade in September. I had him tested for school readiness on the advice of the school, since he is a bit young to be moving on, but is too advanced to stay in kindergarten...as part of the school readiness testing he had to do an IQ test. The test that was administered was the Wechsler test, and it was administered in Portuguese, over 2 sessions. He had a head cold for the 2nd session, and had had some medication for that as well. He ended up scoring 118 on the test. I have to admit that this result has left me a bit flummoxed, since I have an IQ of over 145, and his father has an IQ of over 135....
A: I can understand your concern and I guess most parents would be as well. He does indicate traits of advanced learners and as you stated both yours and your spouses's IQs, it is not surprising to expect scores in the gifted range for your son. Based on his age, the test is probably the WPPSI III (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence - Third Edition). This is a test for preschoolers which is from the Wechsler's group of tests that can be tested for children from 2.6 to 7.3 years of age .... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Reliability of School Readiness Test Score here.
Q2: I recently received my student's Terra Nova Scores and am concerned about the Language score in particular. His scores were as follows:
Reading: 64
Language: 37
Math: 57
Total Battery: 51
Science: 86
Social Studies: 88
My concern is of course his language portion but also his total battery. If you can explain what the "total battery" consists of or is representative of, I would appreciate it. Also, are there any exercises I can do to help my student improve in language esp. during the summer vacation months.
A: The Terra Nova is a standardized achievement test used to provide consistent, accurate, and objective information about students' achievement in various areas of the curriculum. Being a standardized test, standard testing procedures (with exact directions, time limits, and scoring criteria) ensure that testing conditions are the same for all students.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on The Total Score in Terra Nova here.
Q3: I am writing about our four year three month old son. I am quite upset and concerned about his different social behavior but he is not; he is perfectly happy. We have had him assessed for Aspergers, which he does not have. We have had him in play therapy and after the first six weeks the therapist decided that he was acting fully normally and there were no issues to address. However we still observe quite a difference between him and his peers socially and it pains me a great deal...
A: From your description, it appears to me that your son is above average in his development. You also mentioned that both the parents were recognised as gifted; hence it is very possible that your son is potentially gifted. Rather than labelling at this stage (puts undue pressure to the child and parents), it would be better to monitor his progress and work accordingly to cater towards his learning needs and nurture him to the best of your abilities with the resources available.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Social Behavioural Concern In Above Average Kid here.
Welcome to Your Child's Brain: How the Mind Grows from Conception to College
By Sam Wang, Ph.D and Sandra Aamodt, Ph.D
How children think is one of the most enduring mysteries-and difficulties-encountered by parents. In an effort to raise our children smarter, happier, stronger, and better, parents will try almost anything, from vitamins to toys to DVDs. But how can we tell marketing from real science? And what really goes through your kid's growing mind-as an infant, in school, and during adolescence?
Neuroscientists Sandra Aamodt and Sam Wang (who is also a parent) explain the facets and functions of the developing brain, discussing salient subjects such as sleep problems, language learning, gender differences, and autism.
Smart Parenting, Smarter Kids: The One Brain Book You Need to Help Your Child Grow Brighter, Healthier, and Happier
By David Walsh, Ph.D
From birth onward, a child's brain develops in amazing ways. Whether you're pregnant with your first child or trying to figure out why adolescents act the way they do, parenting expert Dr. David Walsh shows you how to make the most of the latest breakthroughs in brain science and psychology in this complete, cradle-to-college guide to parenting.
Backed by science and filled with stories, Smart Parenting, Smarter Kids finds the practical advice in groundbreaking scientific headlines about memory, language, emotions, nutrition, play, and more. Dr. Walsh equips you with usable information about exercise, sleep, emotional intelligence, connection - all of which work together to help kids reach their full potential.
Train the brain
St Catherine Standard May 06, 2012
It's all about strengthening what Moreno calls the brain's "executive function" - the part of the brain (the pre-frontal lobe) which helps us manage cognitive processes such as working memory, attention, verbal reasoning and multitasking. 
Just what is gifted and talented?
Guardian May 09, 2012
My daughters are both exceptional at art; my son has always been a mathematical genius. My girls have won prizes for art; my boy has won an academic prize every year of his life, including university scholarships. Are my kids gifted and talented?

New study shows gene link to IQ
Irish Times May 3, 2012
Studies have consistently failed to identify any direct effect of a single gene on intelligence. However, the latest large-scale study, published on April 15th in Nature Genetics, has identified a single gene that has a small but measurable effect on intelligence. 
Nurturing the gifted child
Deccan Herald Apr 24, 2012
Many times, children are identified in the school due to their exceptional performance in academics. But it is always wise to have a check-list to know if your child is gifted. 
Connection between baby feedings and IQ
6abc News Apr 30, 2012
Researchers say the data indicates babies who are bottle-fed or breast-fed on a schedule tend to underperform their peers who were fed simply when they were hungry. The difference in IQ levels was as high as five points, which researchers called very significant. .
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