~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~
" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "
Volume #7 Issue #13
ISSN: 0219-7642 Feb 8, 2009
Andrew Loh, Publisher
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Discipline among children is possibly one of the biggest problems that every parent experiences. As a busy parent, you probably have talked to yourself soon after disciplining your children for many instances of undisciplined behavior: "Did I act too harsh on my children?", "Was I right when I spanked Bill?", "Did I go too easy on Harry?" or "How should I discipline Emily". Learning to teach discipline to your children is a Herculean effort and dicey thing!
What you need to do is to strike a fine balance between, what you think is right and what you believe is bad. You may need to try out several useful techniques of discipline so that you can use them on your children on a consistent basis. If you feel that a certain method is not working to you, just forget it! All children are different and you are different as well! What works for one parent may not work for others! However, you will need to try a particular technique before discarding it forever. If one method is not helping you, you can always try the next.
Effective discipline is all about helping, assisting, empowering, teaching, mentoring, learning and understanding and agreeing. I hope you find this issue on "Discipline technique for Children" to be helpful. All the best!
Thought for today:
"True obedience is a matter of love, which makes it voluntary, not compelled by fear or force." - Dorothy Day
Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
andrew @ brainy-child.com
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Discipline Techniques for Children that Work
Discipline should begin in our children now, as it is the cornerstone for all future success. Teaching discipline to children is perhaps the hardest thing for all parents. It starts in your home and its begins with you!
Discipline Techniques for Children that Work - Basic Techniques
Several discipline techniques and methods can help you teach discipline to your children. Most of them work well, when you use them with a firm hand and conviction. However, you may never want to be too harsh and punitive on your children while teaching discipline to your them.
Q1: From everything I read, I'm fairly certain my child is gifted, although, of course, not positive as I have no experience with talented and gifted children. My son spoke in sentences by 12 months and knew the entire alphabet by 15 1/2 months and was spelling out words by 16 months (like 'Suburban' on my babysitter's car). He could sing numerous songs at 18 months and already had an enormous vocabulary. He knew the names of >100 different animals, insects, reptiles, birds, marine life etc before age 2...
A: It does appear that your child has above average intellectual abilities compared to his peers. By being aware of his gifts, you have already taken the first step to support him and cater for his needs, which is excellent! However it is important to achieve the right balance in order to stimulate him without pushing or pressuring him too much. This would create stress and may work the other way around, just what we want to avoid.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Support for Above Average Children here.
Q1: My nephew has recently been tested and placed into the second-grade gifted program at his school. My sister has asked me to help her interpret the scores he was assigned on the various test he was given. I can't. I am a high school chemistry teacher, and I am no slouch. I cannot find any standard reference data online. I cannot help her. Can you? His scores are as follows:
1. Ravens Progressive Matrices - >95%
2. Gifted Rating Scale - Creativity 93%
3. PIAT-R - Total Reading 129/97%
4. Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised - Fluid Reasoning 129, Brief IQ 137, Full IQ 143.
A: The Raven Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) was designed to measure a person's ability to form perceptual relations and to reason by analogy independent of language and formal schooling, and may be used with persons ranging in age from 6 years to adult. It is indeed a test of intellectual capacity, of general mental ability. A cut-off score of at least 95th percentile is usually used for acceptance into gifted programs. It has been suggested that for Raven's, a score at the 97th percentile would probably warrant an out-of-level supplementary test to differentiate the range of gifted students... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Interpretation of IQ Scores here.
Four Weeks to a Better-Behaved Child: Breakthrough Discipline Techniques that Work - for Children Age 2 to 10
By Cristine Chandler and Laura McGrath
Drawing on her highly successful methods developed in her private practice, Dr. Cristine Chandler lays out clear, systematic instructions to help parent¡¯s foster good behavior in their children based on the positive premise: that children behave well when they understand clearly, what is expected of them.
Most discipline problems occur when parents are inconsistent about what they expect. Four Weeks to a Better-Behaved Child shows parents how to implement the "4Cs" of discipline in their daily practice: use clear, consistent, contingent consequences. Moreover, in this concise, straightforward book, Dr. Chandler challenges several commonly used approaches to discipline and provides alternatives.
Loving Obedience: Child Training Techniques that Work
By William Richardson
How can a parent really meet a child's needs? It's possible to learn parenting skills with an intentional, incremental approach. Loving Obedience is a systematic, practical parent training manual. Bill Richardson teaches parents to be deliberate in learning how to parent. Richardson clearly teaches a loving, consistent, and practical way to discipline.
Chapters are short and meaty with lots of examples for each concept. Concepts are broken down into actions that you could really attempt a couple at a time. You can read this through in two nights, but you will definitely be going back for reminders and encouragement. A refreshing approach to a dicey parenting topic! You will find a number of answers here in this book.
Pre-term omega-3 may boost brain development for girls, not boys
Decision News Jan 16, 2009
Supplements of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA may boost the neurodevelopment of prematurely born baby girls, but premature boys don’t get the same benefits, says a new study. 
Give your child a preschool boost
Mansfield News Feb 01, 2009
Preschool has become so popular it is now actually expected in our society. In previous years, young children from affluent families attended "nursery school." Many programs exist today to make it possible for all children to attend preschool. 
Mum's cuddles may affect development of boys and girls
Daily Record Jan 09, 2009
HOW you cuddle, your baby could determine how he or she behaves in later life, according to research. American scientists claim treating a baby boy like a girl and vice versa can change the way their brains work, contrary to previous beliefs that such things are only decided long before birth.

Keep education age appropriate for all students
Superior Telegram Jan 30, 2009
Many folks still remember when the Soviet Union launched the first satellite in the late 1950s. This sparked an educational revolution that has continued from at least 1959 into the 21st Century, or in other words, for the last 50 years. The common word was that we needed to educate our children, bring them up to the same level, and exceed the student achievement in other industrialized countries. 
Breastfeeding Mothers Less Likely To Neglect Kids
Reorbit Jan 26, 2009
Mothers who breastfeed are less likely to neglect their children, said a Baylor College of Medicine researcher in a report that appears online in the journal Pediatrics today. 
HOME SCHOOLING: Talking, touching vital to learning
Washington Times Jan 18, 2009
The other plus to family-centered child raising is that the child's emotional needs are being filled, even as they are adding information and skills to their inner repertoire. A child who is loved, encouraged, entertained, guided and enjoyed gains emotional "muscle" that provides stability and many strengths that help in having resiliency and flexibility.
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Andrew Loh - andrew @ brainy-child.com
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