~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~
" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "
Volume #8 Issue #4
ISSN: 0219-7642 Sep 6, 2009
Andrew Loh, Publisher
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Intelligence is a relative term that can signify a number of meanings and definitions. Measuring the level of intelligence among children is a very difficult task as there are no fixed indicators that can help parents and teachers to quantify the level of intelligence among them. However, it becomes easy to lead or guide children by knowing their strengths and weaknesses, both in their classrooms as well as out of it.
Educational experts from over the world have been trying to devise effective and practical methods to teach and train young children, especially in the age bracket of three and seven years. Some of these methods use a combination of several methods or strategies to induce better learning and comprehending abilities. One such method is the Sternberg's Triarchic Model of Intelligence. In a traditional classroom, teachers attempt to teach or train children by using a standard memory recall and analysis technique. However, this method may not work among all children, as some of them may be very poor in memory recall and recitation.
This obvious pitfall makes it imperative on part of both parents and teachers to devise a new strategy that relies on understanding the basic mental nature of children, especially in the areas of their abilities or skills. According to Sternberg's Triarchic Model of Intelligence, children can find out solutions by striking a balance in their usage of analytical, creative and practical abilities. A delicate combination of these three parameters ensures an effective classroom and general performance, eventually reaching required success in the life. The triarchic model also guarantees that children can use their strengths to cover up or smoke out perceived weaknesses, so that they can strike a good balance in their life. I hope this issue is helpful to you. Have a great week ahead!
Thought for today:
"The best way to predict your future is to create it." - Anonymous
Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
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What is Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence? A Primer for Parents
Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence is assuming an important role as an effective model of using one's intelligence in an optimum and productive manner. While traditional classroom teaching and learning techniques are extremely good at inducing children in using the power of memory, its recall and evaluation, the new theory attempts to use different intelligences in a judicious manner.
Sternberg's Practical Intelligence in Children's Everday Life
Understanding Sternberg's practical intelligence requires parents as well as teachers to learn the basics of different types of intelligence and how they play a role in molding the persona and character of children.
Q1: I am wondering how much of an impact/effect will a Processing speed SS of 68 on the WISC IV have on a child who has General Ability Index of 103. He has met criteria for Specific Learning Disability in Math Calc. and demonstrates specific and significant processing weakness across measures of working memory, sustained attention and impulse control, organization and planning, and abstract learning and memory. Therefore, the presence of executive functioning deficit has also been identified.
Also, how will all of this impact his ability (or lack of ability) to handle interaction in typical boy sporting situations?
A: A very simple way of explaining processing speed is the length of time it takes for the information to be decoded (or understood/ interpreted) by the brain for a response to be made. When any information is processed, it is affected both ways while receiving and sending out information. For instance, when you give instructions to a child (who is at an age to understand & respond), instead of working on the task immediately, the child may look puzzled for some time until they are able to process the instructions to perform the task... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Processing Speed and General Ability Index (GAI) here.
Q2: On the WISC-IV Canadian norms, my son scored 99.9 percentile on General Ability. On Verbal Comp. he scored 99.9 percentile. On Perceptual Reasoning he scored 99 percentile.
Can you tell me what this means in terms of IQ? What's the difference between 99 and 99.9 - and is it important. In our area, the psychometric results don't attach an IQ number to these percentiles, but at each teacher interview, I keep hearing how, even in a class of Gifted Children, he is far ahead yet he struggles with Math ...
A: From the scores, it does appear that your son is in the highly gifted range with such high scores. Therefore, he would surely need special attention. I believe that the tester used General Ability Index, GAI instead of Full Scale IQ (please refer to another reader's query on GAI) to remove the processing speed and working memory which may be affected if a child struggles with Math. GAI is a composite score that is based on Verbal Comprehension and Perceptual Reasoning subtests, and does not include the Working Memory or Processing Speed subtests which is included in the (FSIQ).... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Percentile Difference on the WISC-IV here.
Teaching for Successful Intelligence: To Increase Student Learning and Achievement
By Dr. Robert J. Sternberg and Elena L. Grigorenko
Robert J. Sternberg is currently the dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at Tufts University, where he is also professor of psychology. Prior to that, he was IBM Professor of Psychology and Education at Yale University. Sternberg received his PhD from Stanford and is the recipient of eight honorary doctorates.
In addition, he has won more than two dozen awards for his work. He is a former president of the American Psychological Association and is the author of over 1100 books, articles, and book chapters. This book provides 40 research-based, illustrated lessons and demonstrates how to design units that help students apply analytical, creative, and practical thinking skills to solve problems and make decisions.
Teaching for Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, and Success
By Dr. Robert J. Sternberg , Linda Jarvin and Elena L. Grigorenko
This book presents a model to help teachers teach content while teaching important skills that make the content meaningful. The authors explain and give examples of how to apply their model and explicitly make connections to assessment and state standards. Using this model will enrich the education of students and fill the enormous gap created by high-stakes tests and the accountability movement.
This is a blockbuster of a book. It allows teachers to follow standards, but provides space for them to develop students' wisdom, intelligence, and creativity (and of course success). Teachers will be free to teach without being limited to textbook formats. Both teachers and students will come to understand themselves and their values better.
Let Recess Boost Your Child's IQ
The Daily Green Aug 18, 2009
A recent study of approximately 11,000 third graders, published in Pediatrics, found that a break of 15 minutes or more in the school day may play a role in improving learning, social development, and health in elementary school children.

Affection is a very important component of a child's mental development
The Examiner August 31, 2009
So, what does affection have to do with intelligence? Just about everything, it turns out. Sue Gerhardt's book, Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby's Brain, is a review of the latest research into the development of the brain. 
Dietary Guidelines for a Child's Growing Brain: the Basics
Corn Calories Aug 23, 2009
Once a child moves beyond breastfeeding, it's up to us parents to take on the awesome responsibility of navigating our way through a lousy American diet and nourishing our kids in ways that help - not hinder - their growing bodies and brains. This is more challenging than it ought to be, because the American diet - especially for kids - is so skewed toward empty calories. Too many of the foods favored by kids have too much carbohydrate and sugar but not enough protein and far too few good fats (especially EFAs) and micronutrients. 
Breast Feeding Heavenly Nectar For Babies
Desk Top Scripts Aug 23, 2009
Breast-feeding is the greatest and the best gift any mother can give her child. Yet, the world over, there are millions of infants deprived of this benefit. This is because of many factors and circumstances force mothers use formula milk instead. These circumstances could be physical (such as the mother is incapable of producing milk, or the baby has a lactose digestion problem) or it could be due to the fact that both the parents need to work, and hence the mother cannot be at home to nurse the child at the same time. 
5 Power foods for kids
The Examiner Sep 1, 2009
School is back again. Here are 5 foods that parents can incorporate into their child's daily diet and fun ideas to get the kids to enjoy the food. 
Reading is powerful fuel for child's growth
Commercial Appeal Aug 19, 2009
At 4-year-old Jeremiah Jefferson's home, the postman doesn't just deliver the mail -- he brings packages that contain grand stories, adventure and wonder. For young Jeremiah and other children enrolled in Shelby County Books from Birth, once a month the mail includes a special book just for him.
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