~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~
" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "
Volume #10 Issue #06
ISSN: 0219-7642 September 4, 2011
Andrew Loh, Publisher
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“Parents must get across the idea that "I love you always, but sometimes I do not love your behavior." - That is what the well-known American author and journalist, Amy Vanderbilt believes and expects from all parents. Good behavior from children is something that is acceptable to everyone. Socially unacceptable behavior could be very confusing to learn and understand. A child may misbehave and display bad behavior because of many reasons, of which some are genuine and true. However, parents should never tolerate a habitual display of misbehavior.
Defining what is acceptable to you and others is an important strategy in shaping a child's behavior. Drawing a boundary line between socially acceptable and unacceptable behavior is often very difficult. The so-called odd children could be very difficult to handle. Such children are very smart and intelligent because of their perceived ability to exploit parents' weaknesses and deficiencies.
Parents are known to shape their children's behavior with a number of negative techniques (often called negative reinforcements). However, these negative techniques always work for a shorter period. Instead, parents may like to use a series of positive reinforcement techniques to shape their children's behavior. Defiant and angry children are always difficult to manage. Just remember that you are neither powerless nor helpless when it comes to shaping your children for misbehavior. This special issue will help you find a practical solution that you always wanted to get rid of those bouts of misbehavior in your children. Take care!
Thought for today:
"We have no choice of what color we're born or who our parents are or whether we're rich or poor. What we do have is some choice over what we make of our lives once we're here." - Mildred Taylor
Best Regards,
Andrew Loh
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
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Changing Children's Behavior by Using Positive Reinforcement Methods
A child can display many types of undesirable behavior. Some of them may be pronounced in display while the others may not to be readily noticeable but could manifest in a severe manner after sometime. Find out the different kinds of undesirable behaviors in children here!
Changing Children's Behavior by Using Positive Reinforcement Methods - Tips and Suggestions
if you find that your children are difficult to control, do not worry! Here are some simple positive reinforcement tips and techniques that will help you shape your children's unacceptable behaviors. Read more here!
Q1: Why are IQ testing so limiting?
A: In general, IQ tests are just attempts of psychologists to measure ability as best as it is scientifically and objectively possible. This is done using what they perceive to be the best questions that would capture the mastery of skills tested. But in the end, it's just their perceptions based on their experience, knowledge and expertise that determine the “best” questions. There is not single test that can test every aspect of giftedness.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Limits of IQ Tests here.
Q2: Many years ago when I took the Stanford Test, my scores came back and gave my parents a huge shock - from my memory, the numbers across the top of the page were mostly 98, 97, 99, or like that, with a dip towards a little bit lower in perhaps the 3d column from the right.
Across my entire life I have always felt that I was somehow "different", in ways I cannot describe with words - but the truth of what those numbers meant was and remains some kind of a deep dark secret which my parents refused to tell me...
A: In reality, children tend to tease one another and any label put on a young child is an invitation for teasing and scorn by others. Your parents may have been aware of this and possibly advised by someone significant to leave things as they are. Also, the social stigma of the gifted label seems to increase in higher grades, so perhaps it was best to keep it away from you.... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Possible Stigma of the Gifted Label here.
Q3: Is there a way to determine FSIQ from my son's GAI score on the WISC IV? (He was given an individual test at 6.3 years)
His results were:
GAI 160
VCI: 148
I: 18
S: 18
(V): 17
C: 18
PRI: 155
BD: 16
PCn: 22
MR: 19
(PCm): 13
A: Unfortunately, this is not possible. The GAI (General Ability Index) score only considers the VCI (verbal comprehension index) and the PRI (perceptual reasoning index). For the Full Scale IQ, all 10 subtests are required to calculate the FSIQ and the four Index scores are included in the standard battery..... Continue to read Dr. Sandhu's answer on Determining FSIQ from GAI score here.
10 Days to a Less Defiant Child: The Breakthrough Program for Overcoming Your Child's Difficult Behavior
By Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D
Occasional clashes between parents and children are not uncommon, but when defiant behavior - such as tantrums, resistance to chores, and negativity - becomes chronic, it can cause big problems within the family. In 10 Days to a Less Defiant Child, child and family psychologist Dr. Jeff Bernstein has developed a ground-breaking 10-day program to help parents gain back control over their defiant child or teen.
This powerful and exceptionally reader-friendly guide explains what causes defiance in kids, why it's so destructive to the family, and shows parents step-by-step how they can end the behavior. Simple-to-follow and extremely effective, 10 Days to a Less Defiant Child will bring much-needed relief to the millions of frustrated parents out there living with defiant children.
The Kazdin Method for Parenting the Defiant Child: With No Pills, No Therapy, No Contest of Wills
By Alan E. Kazdin, Ph.D
The Kazdin Method for Parenting the Defiant Child makes available to parents for the first time Dr. Kazdin's proven program-one backed up by some of the most long-term and respected research devoted to any therapy for children.
Includes a bound-in twenty-minute DVD featuring Dr. Kazdin and his staff illustrating key concepts of the Kazdin Method Most child-behavior books are filled with advice that sounds reasonable, fits with what parents already believe about child-rearing, and is - as Dr. Kazdin proves - guaranteed to fail.
Having dad around can make kids smart
Yahoo! News Aug 31, 2011
Fathers who are actively involved in raising their children - whether or not they live with them - can have a large influence on their intellectual abilities and emotional well-being, according to a new research study from Concordia University. 
Want to Excel? Concentrate, Baby
ABC News Sep 1, 2011
A new study suggests babies trained to concentrate spend more time focusing on the task at hand, which could help them learn all kinds of new skills. Researchers from the University of London in the U.K studied 42 11-month-old babies, half of whom were trained to concentrate by animated computer programs, while the other half watched regular TV. After 15 days, the babies were put to the test. Trained babies were better at focusing on a task, like interacting with a parent, and ignoring distractions, like puppets.

Breastfeeding tied to kids' brainpower
Reuters Sep 1, 2011
In a new study from the UK, kids who were breastfed as babies had higher scores on tests of vocabulary and reasoning at age five than those who weren't breastfed. Breastfeeding seemed to make the biggest difference for babies who were born early and therefore had more catching up to do in their brain development. 
How to challenge the gifted child
Austin Weekly News Aug 17, 2011
The gifted child often is overlooked in poor-performing schools. Some complete activities and assignments quickly, only to draw, journal, or read. Some race through assignments successfully and bother other students because they are bored. 
Child's earliest stages critical
Stuff Aug 18, 2011
Mrs Bailey was in Blenheim last night speaking at the Marlborough Convention Centre to an audience of more than 100 about the importance of the first three years of a child's life.
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