~ B R A I N Y - Z I N E ~
" Learn How to Nurture A Smarter Kid "
Volume #3 Issue #11
ISSN: 0219-7642 March 4, 2005
Andrew Loh, Publisher
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I just finished reading an ebook and can't help but to share some of the thoughts with you. It's about Giving. The basic message of the book is that as you give, you will receive more in return.
* Give love and you'll get more love.
* Give time and you'll get more time.
* Give money and you'll get more money!
Yes, give money away and you'll get more in return. It is the Universal principles that claimed to be the greatest money-making secret in history!
How to be rich? The answer is to give away money generously as you'll attract more money to you. The catch is that you have to give with no expectation of return and with a joyous heart. I urge you to read this article titled " The Power of Giving" by John Harricharan. See if you may agree to the idea that the greatest laws of the Universe is Giving.
Have a wonderful day.
Andrew Loh
Publisher & Editor, BrainyZine
andrew @ brainy-child.com
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4 New Motivational Ideas to Help You Motivate Your Children
By Jason Gracia
Thirteen Personal Values You can Teach Through Homework
By Oma Edoja
104 Activities That Build: Self-esteem, Teamwork, Communication, Anger Management, Self-discovery, and Coping Skills
Games can be used to encourage people to modify their behavior, increase interaction with others, start discussions, address issues and build relationships. This popular book makes teaching and learning by playing games a simple and fun experience for everyone.
This book contains 104 games that almost all the activities are designed for elementary school aged children.
Boost your children's brain power
Telegraph Mar 1, 2005
Research suggests that we can influence our children's brain power, through the food we give them, the games we play, the lives we lead and the choices we make. 
Rates giftedness on 1-to-5 scale
OrlandoSentinel.com Feb 25, 2005
Deborah L. Ruf, a Minnesota psychologist and author of the upcoming book "Losing Our Minds: Gifted Children Left Behind ", says there are levels of giftedness, ranging "from those who are simply bright to those who are intellectually astonishing." Ruf offers an overview of the levels of giftedness and some milestones that are common. 
Gifted kids don't always have it all
Indystar.com Feb 20, 2005
It's hard to find someone with a child who is not gifted. Brilliance has been spreading faster than the common cold. 
Mercury Damages IQ of U.S. Children
Environment News Service Mar 1, 2005
The Mount Sinai Center for Children's Health and the Environment combined a number of previous studies to determine hundreds of thousands of babies are born every year with lower IQ associated with mercury exposure. 
10 Healthy Eating Tips for Kids
Once we have learned to carefully balance the amounts and types of foods eaten, all the organs in the body will function smoothly and the body will work efficiently. Following these ten tips will help you stay fit and healthy. 
Overparenting - When good intentions go too far, kids can suffer
MSNBC News Dec 7, 2004
If a child is made to believe that he couldn't survive without his dad or mom bailing him out or somehow protecting him, it has the opposite result. Carducci says it sends a clear message to kids that they are incapable of success or decision-making without their parents. Furthermore, many professionals contend overparented kids are at a higher risk for anxiety disorders and depression. They also tend to have trouble charting their course later in life. 
Are we driving our kids into the fast lane?
Stuff Feb 26, 2005
Are we pushing our kids to do too much, too soon? In this hurried world, are some parents driving their kids into the fast lane from the time they are born, making childhood an ever-shortening trip to the "real world"? 
Autism: early warning
Seattle Times Feb 27, 2005
Dr. Pauline Filipek is among a growing number of child development experts who say that autism often can be identified much younger than is typically done today, and that early treatment can alter, sometimes dramatically, the course of the brain disease that affects about one in 500 U.S. children.
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Andrew Loh - andrew @ brainy-child.com
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